16 - Exhibition day

Start from the beginning

I jumped when Conny touched my shoulder with a worry line on her forehead. "Are you fine, Lynn? You look strained."

A deep sigh escaped my lips. "Just stressed about the ceremony tonight."

"You'll do fine, I'm sure. We have another problem, though. The caterer just called, and it seems their delivery van broke down. They will be late, unless we have the means to pick up the stuff ourselves."

Great, with the pictures here, another hassle threatened to throw over our meticulous schedule. "Can we ask Paco? He said he would be here at four. Perhaps he can fetch the food on his way."

The worry line deepened. "I might call him, I guess."

"Conny, I'll call him if you prefer, but I don't get why you avoid him. He seems like a nice guy."

She closed her eyes, and her face fell. I could have hit myself for raising the topic. "Sorry, I shouldn't—this was inconsiderate. Please forgive me."

She blinked and touched my arm. "No, it's fine, I guess. You're right, he is always helpful. It's just that I'm wary after an experience I had with a few men following Marcel's death. Mister Martinez is innocent, though, and I shouldn't project others' shortcomings on him. Okay, I'll call him and offer him an opportunity to dash in as our knight in shiny armour."

Her last remark made me hope she'd give up her reservation. I didn't know if Cat would accept this tiny step as a win in the matchmaking project, but I was relieved she made it. After a quick call, she gave me a thumbs up.

Minutes past four, Paco arrived, loaded with a tray covered in a white dishcloth. "Where shall I put this?"

I pointed my thumb over my shoulder while I ran the reading card of a customer over the scanner. "In the kitchen corner, I guess."

He nodded and disappeared into the office. I hoped Conny would be fine with my decision. Moments later, they both came out of the room together.

"Lynn, I'm going to help Mister Martinez bring in the rest of the food."

I stood up. "Can I help?"

"No, it's fine. Please, just hold the desk in the meantime. Marjorie insists someone has to be here at all times, and I think it's wise."

Paco held the door open for her. Perhaps this would be the icebreaker Cat was hoping for—and it outdid folding napkins by far. I couldn't do much more.

Soon, our guests began filtering in and my nervousness peaked. Paco was already busy talking to interested visitors, and Conny greeted people she knew from previous events. I tried to go through my speech one last time when she pressed a glass into my hands.

"This should help you relax." She was already gone before I could decline.

I placed the white wine on my desk and pulled a face. A light chuckle made me look up. "You're right to be suspicious."

"Amber, nice that you could make it, and you too, young man."

Her brother shook my hand while his gaze darted through the room. "Is Paco here?"

"Mmm, but I think he's busy with a journalist. I'm sure he will come over when he's done."

The company of the kids helped me get a grip on my anxiety without the doubtful support of alcohol, and when the door opened to let in Becca and Sim, my worries evaporated.

"Hey, girls, so glad you could make it."

A colourful whirlwind, Becca wrapped me in a hug. "I wouldn't have missed that for anything. And who are your companions?"

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