Chapter 3

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Care of Magical Creatures had always been Druella's favourite subject, along with Potions.

She fell in love with the idea of magical creatures when her father gifted her; Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander for her sixth birthday. From then on she wanted all of the animals, Mooncalves, Bowtruckles, heck, Druella even wanted a Graphorn.

Ominis of course said no about the Graphorn, as they were huge and quite scary. Though not long after her sixth birthday, he did gift her a baby Mooncalf.

To say he nearly went deaf when he gave it to her would be an understatement. Druella had been so excited and squealed so loud that people could've heard it from miles away.

Druella and Mattheo stood off to the side, the two and the rest of the class were out in the fields at the back of the school. Professor Kettleburn had gone off to do something, so the students just spoke amongst themselves.

"Hey, Druella" Remus spoke up, the girl turning to him and saw the shy smile on his face, Sirius, James and Peter standing at his side.

"Oh, uh, hello Remus. Boys" She smiled tightly, her brown eyes flickering to Sirius who gave her a sweet smile.

"You feeling better after what happened earlier?" Sirius questioned with concern clear on his face.

"Uh, yes, thank you. I think it was something that I ate" Druella said, lying through her teeth not that they knew that.

"So, you're not a you know....werewolf?" Peter whispered, causing the whole group to freeze up and look over at the blonde with glares on their faces.

"What did you say, Pettigrew?" Mattheo hissed, his brown eyes darkening in anger as he stepped towards Peter who instantly shrunk back.

"Bloody hell, Peter. Druella, I'm sorry about him. He obviously wasn't thinking" Sirius said apologetically, before glaring at the teen beside him.

Druella felt incredibly uncomfortable in that moment, her brother noticing this and so he moved himself and her away from them. Thankfully, Professor Kettleburn had come back, but he was not alone.

The class gasped at what they saw, Druella nearly jumping with excitement.

"Class, i'd like you all to meet Persephone" Kettleburn introduced.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Asked a Gryffindor student, stepping back with fear on her face.

"Can anyone tell me what this beautiful beast is?" The Professor asked, Druella quickly raising her hand up. Mattheo smiled and shook his head, not at all surprised.

"Yes, Miss Gaunt" The professor smiled, also not surprised that she knew.

"That's a Hippogriff, sir" The girl beamed.

"Correct!" The professor continued to speak, but Druella couldn't take her eyes off the breathe taking beast. It's feather's were a crisp white colour, but they also had hints of gold. It also had beautiful golden eyes, which seemed to be focused on Druella for some reason.

"First thing you want to know about Hippogriff's is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended, you do not want to insult a Hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Kettleburn asked towards the end, Druella again being the only one to raise her hand.

"I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. I'm guessing I don't need to tell you what to do?" The man chuckled, waving the girl over making her smile widen. Sirius, who had been watching her, felt his heart flutter when seeing how happy she looked.

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