Chapter Thirty-Nine

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That night, Delilah was present at dinner between the Bridgertons and Featheringtons. She sat next to Anthony at the table, across from Phillippa - the middle Featherington daughter. The dinner was certainly interesting. The air was tense, and akward, and held together with an air of strange welcome.

"What were your favorite pastimes in the country?" Violet asked.

Delilah briefly glanced over to Marina as she responded.

"I enjoyed riding above all else, my lady."

"Please," Violet smiled, "You must call me Violet now. Remember?"

Lady Featherington paused in her meal, "Miss Thompson is such a proper young lady, is she not?"

A small silence followed, Delilah took a breath.

Violet looked over at the Miss Marina Thompson, "Have you traveled at all beyond England, Miss Thompson? It has long been Colins greatest ambition to travel the world."

"Never," Miss Thompson replied, "Though it is now a great ambition of mine as well."

Delilah had to keep herself from laughing when Anthony took a sip of his water to swallow a smile. The two made eye contact, Anthony squeezed her hand under the table.

"I am sensing a honeymoon in foreign parts," Lady Featherington smiled, "What think you, Lord Bridgerton?"

Delilah sat up straighter at the mention of Anthony's title. She turned her head slightly to look between Anthony and Lady Featherington.

"I would not like to speculate," Anthony answered.

"Yes, indeed," Lady Featherington nodded, "I believe a honeymoon in foreign parts would be just the thing. Mr. Bridgerton, you might even make the most of this fine weather we've been having if you choose to marry sooner rather then later."

Delilah took a breath, "Colin is still very young, maybe a lengthy engagement would be nice instead. Of course, excellent weather not being a factor, necessarily. Do you agree, my lord?"

"Of course," Anthony said, "I think a lengthy engagement would be prudent."

"Mother, have I told you Miss Thompson is very accomplished in needlework?" Colin asked, "She really is quite brilliant. Puts my sisters - including  Miss Silvester that is - to shame."

"Is that so?" Delilah asked.

"I can assure you," Miss Thompson spoke, "That is not true."

Colin looked over at Miss Thompson, "You have not seen my sister Daphne's embroidery. In all honesty, it is like a battlefield."

Lady Featherington let out a forced laugh and Delilah scoffed to herself. Daphne's needlework wasn't the best, per say, but it was still beautiful in it's own way and she did have an affinity for white roses.

— & —

After dinner the two families and Delilah retreated to the drawing room. Delilah was clutching onto Anthony when the Featherington sisters Prudence and Phillipa began a duet. She refused to laugh outloud at the spectacle.

"Keep your laughter to yourself Delilah, you are in polite company," Anthony whispered. His own features slipping from his control.

"I am sorry," Delilah whispered, "I am trying. I promise."

She looked down at her lap. Please lord, anything to keep her from spilling out in laughter. And finally, when she finished, Delilah looked up and clapped. Her eyes falling around the room when she noticed Colin and Penelope missing. She looked at Anthony, but he shook his head.

Then Miss Thompson left the room and Penelope came back. Delilah smiled at the conversation, but her hand was clutching Anthony to keep herself from running out in polite company.

I hate polite company.

"All is fair in love and war, but some battles leave no victor. Only a trail of broken hearts that makes us wonder if the price we pay is every worth the fight. The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. For what thing is more fragile than the human heart?"

When came home that evening she had a letter from Daphne.


    First and foremost, I miss you very much. I hope you are having the time of your life with my brother. As your relationship grows each day it comforts me to know that you are happy. However, I must confess, I know what happened to Simon. I learned of his mothers passing, it is no wonder he wants to change of all Clyvedon.

    But, that is nothing compared to the situation I find myself in here.

    I cannot find the words to express the hurt Simon has brought. He lied Delilah. He told me he could not have children, but that is not the truth. He does not want children, and he has lied about it.

    I don't know how to forgive that Delilah.

    Please do not let this letter, although it is almost stupid to think, bother you because I will handle it myself. But, I needed to tell someone.

    I wish you the very best, 'Lilah,


Delilah read the letter and felt tears come to her eyes. She also felt her heart snap and her mind reel. She knew Simon had a hard childhood, but to lie. To lie to Daphne, and to her, and to Anthony.

It was hard to accept that Simon had lied about something so apart of who Daphne was. She felt heart break from where she was. She couldn't imagine what Daphne was feeling.

Then her mother called her name with the latest edition of Lady Whistledown. Everything around her seemed to stop.

    "The bond between man and bride is private, sacred. But I must tell you. I have learned that a grave fraud is afoot. As if the Featheringtons did not have enough to be dealing with, Miss Marina Thompson is with child, and she has been from the very first day she arrived in our fair city.

     "Desperate times may call for desperate measures. But, I would wager many will think her actions beyond the pale. Perhaps she thought it her only option, or perhaps she knows no shame. But I ask you. Can the ends ever justify such wretched means?"

Delilah drew a breath at the words. She looked at her mother with worry.

"Go," Mary said, "The Bridgertons need you. I will come when I can."

With one last look at her mother, she was off to the carriage.

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