Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Soon after the garden, Delilah disappeared with Anthony and Colin into a room, where Colin was not too happy to be. The Bridgerton study. The room was tense, but Anthony had all but dragged her into that room claiming he needed someone to ground him.

"You barely know the young lady. What were you thinking?" Anthony seethed out.

"I was thinking you'd respond like this and how little I would care to hear." Colin spat.

Delilah looked between the two brothers. Colin was immature, yes, but Anthony was angry. Anthony didn't make the right decisions when he was angry. But, Colin was planning to marry a woman he knew little about.

"Do you think this is a joke? Poor mother was beside herself." Anthony said.

"Mother seemed perfectly happy to me. She congratulated me."

Delilah shook her head with.

"So, you compromised this young woman?" Anthony asked.

Colin narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Certainly not. I am a gentleman-"

"Then why ever would you-".

"Why does anyone marry, brother?" Colin asked, "For love, of course,"

Anthony glanced back to Delilah for a moment, before focusing back on Colin. Colin hadnt even given a little glance towards the female figure in the room. He pulled Delilah into his side as he leaned on the desk in the room they were in.

Colin sighed to himself looking between the two.

"Look, I know you are still rather green, and that is my fault." Anthony shook his head though. "I should've taken you to brothels when you returned from Eton."

"Anthony!" Delilah gasped.

Anthony shook his head however, "If this is a matter of wetting your-"

"You're an ass. Do you know that?" Colin interrupted.

"This is what comes from not sowing your wild oats. Proposing to the first chit you set your cap at," Anthony argued.

"Enough!" Delilah stepped in. She turned to Anthony, "You insult him and his intended." She yelled. Delilah stepped away from Anthony's side to face him.

"You are still a girl, Delilah."

"I am older than Daphne if you recall," Delilah laughed bitterly, "You were happy to marry her off."

"It's not the same," Anthony said calmly. He knew Delilah was in stress. Hearing fights all the time, and her mother coming to the end of her life. She was handling too much.

"I know nothing of the sort." Colin then argued, stepping beside Delilah.

"Then you betray your immaturity!" Anthony fired.

Silence took over the room.

"If I caused Mother discomfort today, I am sorry for it. I shall speak to her," Colin said. His head had been lowered in shame, "The truth is I do not require your permission to marry Miss. Thompson, but I would much prefer to have your blessing." Colin pleaded.

He looked up at Anthony but the answer was already there. He even looked to Delilah, but as much as she was mad at Anthony for insulting Miss. Thompson, his point was true.

Colin was not ready to marry, and Miss Marina Thompson was too unfamiliar.

"Then I am afraid I must disappoint you," Anthony responded.

"You have," Colin said.

"Get out." Delilah interfered, "Do not tell him he has disappointed you when he is protecting you. Get out."

Colin left. Anthony cried. Delilah held.

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