Finally, Hogwarts!

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The night before, I had received my Hogwarts letter. In the morning, the hotel room was filled with warm sunlight which woke me up from my sleep. As I sat up, I realized that I had forgotten to buy my school supplies for the upcoming year at Hogwarts and it was already the day before the departure of the Hogwarts Express. With a sense of annoyance, I cursed under my breath, wondering how I was going to get my supplies since I had no money and Dumbledore had only left me with a hotel room. Despite my situation, I knew I had to get to Diagon Alley. I quickly threw on a white crop top and ripped jeans, and went down to Diagon Alley.

As I walked through the cobblestone streets, I caught sight of Gringotts Bank and decided to take a chance. My blonde wavy hair cascaded around my shoulders, framing her icy blue eyes that seemed to sparkle like frozen sapphires. The grandeur of the building was breathtaking, with a sparkling chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Approaching the goblin at the wooden desk, I politely told him, "I would like to access my family bank account." The small goblin stared at me with beady eyes and asked, "Key?" I replied with a smirk, "Well, the thing is, I don't have a key with me." As I scanned the area, I spotted Lucius Malfoy, who I hadn't seen in years, and his son, both with platinum blonde hair. With a determined stride, I approached them and said, "Hello. I was wondering if you could help me access my family's bank account without the key." I spoke with sincerity, knowing they would be willing to help. "You are asking the wrong person. Who even are you?" Lucius sneered, his tone cold and dismissive. His son joined in, laughing and adding, "She's probably a broke mudblood or something."

I smiled and introduced myself, "I'm Storm. I kind of remember you from when I was younger," I had met them, but I hardly remembered it. "Oh, sorry about that. Of course, I'll help you get into your bank account," Lucius said, suddenly extremely willing to help. His son, Draco, looked at me suspiciously and questioned, "I've never heard of you. Father, why are you helping her?" Lucius replied, "Her family is family friends of ours." Draco turned to me and extended his hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Draco Malfoy." I smiled and shook his hand. I noticed how he was actually kind of cute.

As I was walking down Diagon Alley after retrieving a considerable sum of money, I noticed Draco Malfoy at the Magical Menagerie pet store. I walked over to him, and greeted him with a "Hey." He turned around. "Hey. You getting an owl?" he inquired. "Yeah, a owl, and maybe a cat too," I replied. His face contorted in confusion. "You do know we are only allowed to have one pet, right?" he said. I couldn't help but smirk as I replied, "So what? I'm getting two." Draco responded with, "Nice, I'm getting an eagle owl."

Just then, Harry Potter walked into the store with Hagrid following closely behind. I glared at them, "Oh look who it is, freaking Harry Potter." He looked at me then glanced at the floor nervously and walked away. "Even though I have never met him, I hate him so much." I told Draco. "Same he's such an idiot." I nodded my head, then Lucius told Draco he had to go, and we said bye. I then walked over to Ollivanders, hoping to get a good wand. As I walked in, Mr. Ollivander greeted me with a Hello, and I said Hi back. He went to the back of the store and gave me a few wands to try. My fourth wand I tried worked, it was an 11 inch wand with unicorn hair core.






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