if i'm a traitor, then who are you?

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It's funny how I met you here
This field is not what I'm supposed to be
But your peer pressure together with your king
Forced me to enter an era, I shouldn't be moving

I'm all chained to be at your side
Still can't believe it in my mind
It's weird of how you could not forget
The way how you treated me back then?
Do you still think I'd bury the hatchets?

I was your junior high school friend
Was I even your closest high school friend?
After all the things that you've done to me
Behind my back, backbiting and insulting me
I could not let that go, not even your former friends -
Had been in your side for what you've done to them
I don't give a damn for what happened to a burn bridges
But what I see now, is just an illusion to your greatness

Our friends said, "you are an elephant of their room"
I never thought that they could turn you in too
I guess, it's about how you act to anybody in the room
Just mere illusion, no trajectory of having truthful
Dishonest, making fallacies, sharing secrets, that should be untold
That made us vote that you're the problem after all

I'm not a guy who jumps into a conclusion
I look for cues and hold on to theory in motion
A clue underneath the sleeves you hid, I observed
The flare of your skin, camouflages as you deceive
I wonder if you ever had change

Do you think I'm weird?
Just another psychoanalysis
Looking for your worst myth
Resolving your worst scenes

Dyed my hair in green as your envy
Mine's supernatural, not frizzy
I got used to a curly hair
What's your take of ruining me?

The long wait was over
The patterns are uncovered
Unveiling your deep secret
The subterfuge person in earth
You tell lies about everything
Even in front of me, speaking ills
I don't know when will it ends
I guess I need another 4 years
To wait for you to disappear
Your ex-friends were right when they told me 
You're troublesome in so many different ways

I didn't expect that you'd be in a war
With those classmates, having higher ranks
You needed a hand, but I can't lend you one
Have you forgotten about what you did?
With your friends, who used to mock me?
And now the table has turned
I don't fucking care about you
The nonchalant I played
Was just as sipping a tea
If I'm a traitor, then who are you?
Who ruined my life first in high school?
I'd rather help them against with you
Seeing that you're the worst -
Newsmonger I've ever known

My Midnight Thoughts: Things I Have In Mind, People Don't KnowWhere stories live. Discover now