-Chapter Eleven- Curses

Start from the beginning

Eugene trailed off, and Rapunzel raised an eyebrow, confused. "...Yes? Finish that thought."

"Oh!" exclaimed Eugene. "Well- uh, no, it's not so much a thought as much as an expression..."

"Because you can do a lot with lemons." Rapunzel pointed out, clearly not getting the point. "Make lemon meringue, soften your hair... uh, clean tough stains, juggle..."

Y/n moved from her place by the door, announcing her presence. "Maybe make lemonade?" she commented, exasperated, barely holding back an eye roll and raising her mug to her lips.

"Oh! Y-Y/n!" Rapunzel exclaimed. "Uh, you know, not a fan. Of the lemonade, that is."

"Right. Uh... you." said Eugene, before turning back to Rapunzel. "Okay, my point is that you, more than anyone I've ever known, are able to take any situation and make the best of it."

Eugene walked over and sat next to Rapunzel, taking her hands in his. Guess they just think you're... not here then?

"You're the queen!" exclaimed Eugene with a laugh. "Go with it!"

Y/n glanced up at the sky, and a small smile crossed her face as she saw tiny white flakes beginning to fall from the clouds.

"Ugh! Snow?" grumbled Eugene in a whiny voice.

"Oh my gosh!" Rapunzel exclaimed with a gasp, standing up. "I've... never actually been outside when it snows!"

"Well, I have. And, you know, I'm not a fan." Eugene crossed his arms and huffed. "I mean, it's cold, it's a pain, it ruins your day.... It's like Cassandra, but warmer." He glanced at Y/n and raised an eyebrow. "Or like Y/n, but more fun."

Y/n resisted the urge to say a very unladylike word, and merely rolled her eyes instead.

Rapunzel didn't seem to be paying attention, and was just spinning on the balcony. Oh, for the love of- could she get a hold of herself?

"Where are you going?" called Eugene as Rapunzel ran off into the palace.

"To enjoy life's lemons!" she shouted back.

"That's my girl!" Eugene cried after her, and Y/n just sighed as she slipped silently through the palace doors. Eugene was close on her heels, mumbling something about hating snow, and ran off after her sister. With one last look outside, Y/n closed the doors, set down her mug, and followed.

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"Loyal subjects of Corona!" shouted Rapunzel to a crowd. Y/n leaned against a wall on the balcony along with her sister, Eugene, and Cassandra, who were all dressed for the cold.

"As your temporary queen, I officially declare today..." Rapunzel paused for dramatic effect. "A snow day!"

As the crowd cheered, Y/n looked at her sister with equal shock and revulsion. Rapunzel hadn't studied for this at all, had she?

She should be taking precautions! There's protocol for this- you memorized it all!

She needs to be protecting infrastructure, evacuating civilians from high-risk areas, taking steps and using salt to keep roads free of snow and ice... not- oh, for the love of Demanitus- declaring a snow day.

Still, the crowd cheered, and Rapunzel walked off with Cassandra. Eugene stepped up to the balcony. "And, as your temporary king, I..." his voice trailed off as he realized that no one was paying attention, before a snowball hit him in the face.

Y/n walked over to the railing and peered over to see a small group of girls, giggling at the target of their assault. Y/n smiled, before looking back to Eugene, who looked positively miserable. "Nice shot, kid." he muttered with a false laugh, although his friend Lance's laugh was very genuine. Y/n had to hold back a chuckle herself.

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