Winter Solstice

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"The Avatar before you?" Seriously, Sokka? I mentally roll my eyes at his forgetfulness. "He died over a hundred years ago." He adds. "Yeah, duh. But Aang is connected to him in spirit. He just hasn't made the connection yet." I point out. "And I don't know how to connect to him." I look at Aang and frown. He sounds so hopeless. But then Momo hops onto his lap and purrs to make him feel better. I remove my hand as Aang pets Momo. I look at the ground as I contemplate on what to do.

Zuko's P.O.V.

Okay, when I went to get my Uncle Iroh, this is not what I was expecting. "Uncle?" He was in a hot spring. No. Focus. "We need to move on. We're closing in on the Avatar's trail, and I don't want to lose him." I tell him. "You look tired, Prince Zuko. Why don't you join me in these hot springs and soak away your troubles?" Really? "My troubles cannot be soaked away. It's time to go!" I tell him. "You should take your teacher's advice and relax a little. The temperature's just right. I heated it myself." He hears it up and more steam appears. Oh, for crying out loud.

I wave away the steam. "Enough. We need to leave now. Get out of the water!" I order. "Very well." Wait... I turn away and hold my hand up as I close my eyes. I do NOT want to see my uncle like THAT. "On second thought, why don't you take another few minutes? But be back at the ship in half an hour, or I'm leaving without you." I said then walk away. Okay. There is still time. But if he wouldn't return, then something would happen. I don't know where I would be without my uncle.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sigh. Okay, I don't know how to get Aang to connect with Roku. "Hey, Aang. Are you ready to be cheered up?" I look back at Katara as she did that. "No." Then she tossed something at Aang. "Ow!" I wince at that. Then I grab what hit him and bring it up to my face as I see that it is an acorn. An acorn? An acorn! "Hey, how is that cheering me up?" Aang asks. "Cheered me up. Ow!" I smirk as Sokka yelped in pain. Perfect shot. "Yeah, I probably deserved that." You did, Sokka. You did. Katara then walks up and kneels down as she holds her hand out to Aang. "These acorns are everywhere, Aang. That means the forest will grow back. Every one of these will be a tall oak tree someday, and all the birds and animals that lived here will come back." She says, placing an acorn in Aang's hand and closing his fingers around it.

"Thanks, Katara." Aang says to her then he faces me, a smile on his face. "And thanks, (Y/N)." I smile back at him and pat his head. But then Katara gasps and I look at her to see that she was looking elsewhere. I follow her gaze and see an old man with a can walk up to us. I stand up and walk over to meet up with the stranger. "Hey, who are you?" I hear Sokka ask right as I stopped. "Indeed, who are you? Are you friend or foe?" I question him. "I do not wish to cause harm. When I saw the flying bison, I thought it was impossible, but those markings..." He looks pass me and I realize why he's here. I walk him over to Aang, still a little cautious about his intentions. "Are you the Avatar, child?" He asks Aang. Aang looks back at Katara. She nods her head and Aang faces the man again, nodding his head. "My village desperately needs your help." I drop my guard as I hear the tone of his voice.

We then follow the man to his village, only to find some houses wrecked. We entered the building at the end of the village and see a lot of people. "This young person is the Avatar." The old man announces. "So the rumors of your return are true. It is the greatest honor of a lifetime to be in your presence." I middle-aged man approaches and bows to Aang. Must be the leader. "Nice to meet you, too." Aang greets.

It was quiet for a moment. "So, is there something I can help you with?" Aang asks. "Im not sure." Seriously? We came all this way because you need help. "Our village is in crisis. He's our only hope." The old man tells the leader. The leader then nods his head. "For the last few days at sunset, a spirit monster comes and attacks out village. He is Hei Bai, the Black and White Spirit." The old man explains. I look back and see that the sun is getting lower. It will soon be twilight. "Why is it attacking you?" I hear Sokka ask. I turn back around to look at the men. "We do not know. But each of the last 3 nights, he has abducted one of our own." The leader says as he walks pass us and places a hand on one of the doors to the building. "We are especially fearful because the Winter Solstice draws near." He tells us.

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