The Southern Air Temple

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(Okay, next chapter won't be for a while. Have some ideas for some new books. Hope you enjoy and don't mind some changes I made.)

After rescuing Aang, we begin our journey. We found a safe place by a river to rest for the night. Aang, Katara and I were already up as we prepare to leave. "Wait till you see it, guys. The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world." Aang says. "Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home." Katara replies. One of the things Aang wanted to do before heading to the North Pole is to visit his home. The Southern Air Temple. I'll admit, seeing a new place is exciting, but no other airbenders have been seen. I'm worried about what we will find there.

I make sure the supplies are tied down tight then move to place a hand on Katara's shoulder. "Whatever we find, we be there for him." I tell her. She looks back at me with a worried expression then looks back at Aang. I remove my hand from her as I then make my way to rest my hands on the saddle as I watch Aang try to wake Sokka. I huff, been there done that. Plenty of times. But then Aang grabs a stick, "Sokka, wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" Oh. I smirk as Aang trails along his sleeping bag. Clever. "Hurry and get out! Its venom is poisonous!" I add. Sokka wakes up and hops around in his sleeping bag as she shouts. I laugh and so does Katara.

"Great. You're awake. Let's go." Aang says. "Come on, Sokka. We're wasting daylight." I add. Sokka grumbles but gets out of his sleeping bag. We were all set and Aang was at the reins as Appa took off Katara sat next to him as we head off as Sokka and I sat in the saddle. We flew for a while and the sky was a pretty blue as I look down at the sea of clouds. "Hey, stomach, be quiet. I'm trying to find us some food." I roll my eyes at that. Sokka and food. What a match.

"Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" I hear him question. "Oh. That was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry." Aang says. "Pfft!" I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. I hear Sokka sigh and comment how the flames smelled good. "Relax. You can go without food for a little while." I tell him. "The Potola Mountain Range!" I look to see what Aang had said. Tall mountains. "We're almost there!" I move to sit at the front of the saddle as I watch Aang and Katara. "Aang, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders." "Want about them?" "Well... I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people." Katara says.

I look away from them at the mention of Kya. She was a good person. Never having got to know my mother, Kya was someone I could consider one. But we weren't that close, Gran Gran was someone I looked up to more. Katara, on the other hand, idolized Kya. It's so sad what happened all those years ago. Sokka and I were nine while Katara was eight. Such a tragedy. "Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all. They probably escaped." I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Aang say that. Oh, man. I forgot that he was unaware of The War when he woke up. "I know it's hard to accept." "You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison. Right, Appa? Yip Yip!" Appa growls in response to Aang.

Man, I wish I could agree with you, Aang. But there is a gross feeling in my gut that tells me that that is not the case. Appa navigates the mountains and I squint my eyes from the wind but then we slow down and my eyes widen at what I see. "There it is, the Southern Air Temple." Aang says. "Wow. It's incredible." I breathe out. "Aang, it's amazing!" I hear Katara say. "We're home, buddy. We're home." I hear Aang say. Home. The scarred boy. I gently slap my face. Why am I thinking about him right now?

Appa then land and Aang hopped off and run up the path to the temple. Katara, Sokka and I walk after him. I take note how empty the place feels. "So where do I get something to eat?" I elbow Sokka in the ribs and I hear him yelp in pain. "Later. We'll eat later. And besides, this is the first place we are visiting ever since we left the South Pole. I don't know about you guys. But I'm excited for a world-traveling adventure." I state. "Yeah, we are lucky to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?" Katara says to Sokka. "I'm just a simple guy with simple needs." I roll my eyes at Sokka's response.

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