The Vigil

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Nami's POV:

For the past two weeks, the Thousand Sunny had become a somber sanctuary, each day passing in a haze of worry and uncertainty. Ever since Luffy's return, battered and broken from his battle with Kaido, he had remained unconscious, his body lying motionless in a sickbay bed below deck. The crew had taken turns keeping watch over him, their hearts heavy with concern for their beloved captain.

The Vigil:

As I sat beside Luffy's bedside, my hand clasped tightly in his, I couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over me. His once vibrant spirit seemed to have been extinguished, leaving behind only a shell of the man he once was. But even in his weakened state, I could sense the strength and determination that had carried him through countless battles, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness that surrounded us.

Nami: *Brushing a stray lock of hair away from Luffy's face, her voice barely a whisper* "Luffy... please wake up. We need you."

Chopper: *Entering the room with a worried expression* "Nami, any change?"

Nami: *Shaking her head sadly* "No, he's still the same. It's like he's trapped in a never-ending dream."

Chopper: *Sighs heavily* "I've done everything I can, but his body just won't respond. It's as if he's fighting some battle within himself..."

As the days turned into weeks, the crew's vigil over Luffy continued, their hearts heavy with worry for their captain's well-being. They took turns keeping watch over him, offering words of encouragement and support in the hopes that he would wake from his slumber.

Sanji: *Entering the room with a tray of food* "I brought some soup for Nami. You need to keep your strength up, navigator."

Nami: *Forcing a smile as she accepts the tray* "Thanks, Sanji. But I can't eat until Luffy wakes up. I won't leave his side until he does."

Sanji: *Nods understandingly* "I'll keep an eye on things while you eat. Don't worry, we'll get through this together."

Zoro: *Entering the room quietly, his usual stern expression softened with concern* "Any change?"

Nami: *Shaking her head* "No, not yet. But we have to keep hoping."

Zoro: *Nods, taking a seat beside Luffy's bed* "He's a tough one. He'll pull through."

Their days blurred together in a never-ending cycle of waiting and hoping, each passing moment stretching into eternity. But amidst the darkness, there was also a glimmer of light—a belief that no matter how dire the situation may seem, they would never give up hope. For as long as Luffy lay unconscious, the crew of the Thousand Sunny would remain by his side, ready to welcome him back with open arms when he finally opened his eyes.

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