Chapter 40 A Visit

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°•{|Philia's POV|}•°

It's been a while since I visited the Asian Mansion because of my studies. So today I made a free time and visited them. My brother's allowed me since Mal and Indo will be there. I used my bike to get there since it's not that far from our Mansion.

I love biking around the streets. Although my brother's will sometimes won't let me because someone might kidnap me or I might got hit by a truck or car's.

I didn't tell them I'll be using my bike to get there since I know they won't let me. I don't want a driver to drive me there, it's just nearby.

I arrived at the mansion and the other Asians were there for their vacation while others are there for a visit like me. Lucky I didn't saw China she wouldn't have hit me by now.

I parked my bike outside and Mal and Indo came running to me and hugged me thightly. "Girl so nice to see you!" Mal said. "Guys I can't breath" I said. "Oh sorry" Indo said and they let me go. "Anyway, girl let's hang-out with the other Asians" Mal said. "Sure!" I said. "Indoors or outdoors?" Indo asked. "How about indoors? Let's play chess" Mal said. "Oh come on, last time we play the one who keeps of winning is Singa, China and Ili" Indo said. "Good point" I said.

Then out of nowhere, Viet was behind Mal and Indo. "How about we hang-out outdoors" Viet said and Mal and Indo screamed. Me and Viet were laughing. "That wasn't funny" The two said. "Let's go inside" I said and we go inside of the mansion.

We step inside and saw the other Asians. "Philia-Senpai!" Nekomi said and hugged me. "Ohayo Nekomi-Chan" I said. "Well somebody is studying Japanese" JP said. "Yeah, but still it's hard" I said. "Looks like we have another ship" Sabah said. "Woah I didn't knew you were here Sab" I said. "Yeah, I'm the only state here" She said. "Sabah-Chan, how about we create some tea~" Nekomi said. "Why ofcourse besty~ let's do it in Monday~" Sab said. "Monday will be the time for our first time in the 8th grade" Singa said. "Not me, I'm a 9th grader now" Myanmar said. "Angel I didn't expect you here" Isra said while coming down the stairs. "Oh hey Isra!" I said. "I know, how about we play Murder Mystery 2?" Indo suggested. Not that game again, I can't even win a single row because my hands are shaking. "Himawari can't even play properly since her hands are shaking" JP said. "let's play a game where all of us are fair." Mal said. "I won't be joining, I have some chores to do" Myan said and left. "Me too, I'll be in my room if you need me" Brunei said and left. "I know, how about we play Never Have I Ever?" I suggested. "Sure! We haven't play that for a long time" Mal said. "I'm not in, I have work to do" Singa said. "Come on Singa, come and play you always work" Viet said. "No" Singa said. "Please Singaporie~" Mal asked. "Fine..." Singa said. "Singaporie's the name huh?" Indo said. "Shut up" Singa said.

We form in a circle in the living room. The Asians that are playing are Me, Mal, Indo, Singa, Isra, Viet, JP, Neko, Sab, Souko, Tim (Timor Leste) and Taiwan. We were given a sign, at the front it says "I have" while the back it says "Never". "I'm just gonna explain the game incase the others forgot. The game works like this. There is a bottle st the middle, like from the truth or dare we will spin the bottle and who ever it pointed will ask a question. If you have done it then show the front of your sign, if not then show the back sign. Easy as that" Sab explained. "Nekomi-Chan wanted to spin the bottle if that's okay" She said. "Sure Nekomi Souko said. Nekomi spinned the bottle and it pointed at Souko. "Okay then. Never have I ever... Been a lesbian or gay?" He said. All of us showed the back except for Tim. "Tim your gay?" Singa asked. "I WAS" He said. "Now who spins the bottle?" Souko asked. "You silly, the one who got pointed will spin the bottle" Mal said. "Oh I forgot" Souko said and show the back of his sign. The one who asks the question also have to play. Souko spins the bottle and it pointed at Singa. "Really? Whatever. Never have I ever lied in this game?" He said and all of us showed the back. "No one can lie in this game, Nekomi-Chan secretly put the detector" Sab said. "Oh come on remember that time when I got electrified?" JP said. "Well we love to live dangerously" Sab said. "Oh and yeah, this detector only turns red when you lie. If you tell truth nothing would happend" Mal said and we continued the game. Singa spins the bottle and it pointed at JP. "Alright... Never have I ever been rushed to the hospital" JP said. The ones who turn the back was Viet, Sab, Mal, Indo, Souko, Tim and Nekomi. While Me, JP, Isra, Taiwan and Singa showed front. "Wait. Philia you have been rushed in the hospital?" Sab asked. "Yeah I have because I hit my toe in the door and my brother's were so worried" I said and my detector turned red. "Did you just lied?" Mal asked. "Yeah..." I said. "Then what really happend?" Indo asked. "let's just continue the game" I said. JP spins the bottle and it turned to Sab. She was smirking while JP was sweating for an unknown reason. "Never HAVE I ever~ Fallen in-love" Sab said. Oh no... I'm dead... All of us turned the back while My, JP's, Isra's Singa's, Souko's and Nekomi's detector turned red. "Woah. That's many" Sab said. "Wait. Philia-Senpai your in-love?" Nekomi said and JP and Isra smiled. "I was" I said. "Whose the person?" JP asked. "Let's just continue" I said. "Sab spins the bottle and it literally pointed at me. Great I don't have any questiones. "Okay... Never have I ever... Put salt in the cereal" I said since I don't have any ideas. Me, the girls, Indo and Viet showed the back while the others showed the front. "Wait... Souko you putted salt in cereal?" I asked. "Well It was my big sister. She switch the sugar with salt" Souko said. "Wait you have a big sister?" Tim asked. "Yes I do" Souko said. "But you said you have a big brother?" I said. "Well... My big brother passed away leaving me with my big sister" He said and his detector turns red. "So you don't have a big brother" Sab said. "Then Sou-Kun who is the other guy you introduce us?" Nekomi asked. "That was my big sister pretending to be a boy" Souko said. Souko can't lie to Nekomi-Chan since Souko has feelings for her. "Let's just continue" Singa said. I spinned the bottle and it pointed to Isra. "Never have I ever... Do something bad for someone" He said. Me, Isra, Singa showed the front while the others showed the back. "What did you guys did?" Mal asked. "I invaded" Isra said. "I harrass" Singa said. "I... I..." I said. I remembered that I lied two times already. If I lied one more I'll get electrified. Even though I'm used to it, the pain will not be worth it since they will know I'm lying. "Ili what did you do?" Indo asked curiously. "I... Let's just continue" I said.

We finnish the game and decided to go outdoors to buy some snacks. We stopped by a market and buy our snacks. We decided to eat our snacks at the mansion since the others are feeling cold about the air conditioner. Viet, Nekomi, Sab and JP cup noodles, Souko, Isra and Tim bough chips while Me, Mal, Indo, Singa and Taiwan bought ice cream on a cup.

We eat together in the mansion and started to talk. "Taiwan you been quite lately" I said being concerned. "Oh it's just China and Chinio..." He said. "Why what did they do?" JP asked. "They kept on harrassing me" Taiwan said. My blood then started to boil. I swear I am kill those two. They kept on harrassing countries and now they are the most hated. I accidentally slammed my hand on the table without me knowing. "Opps sorry. There was a mosquito" I said. "You don't have to be that harsh to the mosquito" Indo said. I chuckled "hehe yeah I accidentally slammed it hard" I said and we continued to eat

To be continued...

Published: March 24, 2024

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