Jailbreak ( Opal AU )

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Steven awoke in a place he didn't recognize.
He was laying on his back on a cold hard floor.
He groaned and got to his knees.
His head buzzed slightly and his whole body was sore.

A few Memories started to come back.
They were captured.
Alone and afraid he did the only thing he could think of off the top of his head.

"Ruby?" He called. " Sapphire?"
Suddenly a memory replayed, two gemstones dropping to the ground.
" Opal!" He gasped.

Getting to his feet, reality set in.
This was nothing he had expirienced before.
" Where are they?" He turned to bolt out of the tiny room he woke up in, but slid to a stop inches from a strange yellow wall.

" Woah."

The wall stretched from floor to ceiling and was a strange translucent yellow, through it he could see more rooms identicle to his, all lining a hallway that looked to be the exact same material of everything that wasn't whatever this wall was made of.

Suddenly he was startled by a cry of anger and frustration, causing him to inhale sharply and freeze.

Deciding there wasn't anything else to do, he reached towards the wall, touching his fingertips to it before gasping and pulling them away.
The wall wasnt solid, it seemed to consist of some type of energy.
Tangible, but not painful (as he had expected it to be).

Covering his eyes with one hand he stuck a finger through the wall.
When he wasn't immediatly killed or even hurt by it, he uncovered his eyes and looked at the wall.
It parted around his finger, leaving the strip intterupted by his finger completely gone.

Steven pushed his hand further through the wall, to the wrist.
Turning it palm up he watched as strange yellow lines strated to appear where his wrist met the wall and expand down his arm.
" Eww, cool!" He giggled.

He pushed through the wall with little resistance save for a strange buzzing sensation that filled his body as it phased through.
He stopped once he was through as the feeling dissipated and a weird electric sensation traveled the lenth of his body.

" I'm out!" He realized with a happy cry.
" Ok! Where is everybody?" He asked himself.
Turning to his right he took off running down the hallway.
" Gotta find them gotta find them gotta find them gotta find-" he stopped when he saw a figure curling into itself in one of the cells.
Its hands were pressed against its face and it was visibly shaking.
Judging by the purple skin and long white hair that stretched to the ground, steven realized this was probrably a gem.

" Uhh, hey, are you ok?" Steven asked the gem.
The gem startled and pushed itself away from the source of the sound with a cry halfway between anger and panic.
It stared at Steven with wide eyes.

Suddenly its panicked expression changed to anger as it slammed its fist against the ground with such force it knocked Steven off his feet.
" Great! This is just perfect!" She growled in a gravely voice.

Steven got back to his feet and stared at the gem as she glared at the floor.

" Uhmm, do you need any help?" He asked.

" NO!" The gem yelled, " I mean.. DON'T LOOK AT ME. Just... go away." The gem curled in on herself again, shaking and exhaling sharply through her teeth.

" Wha-?" Steven cut himself off with a groan as he turned to keep running before the gem called out to him.
" Jey wait!," getting to her feet the gem approached him, staring at him through the translucent yellow wall," you're out!"

Steven turned to look at her.
" How did you get past the field?" She asked, scanning the yellow wall.

" Oh, I just sort of-" Steven reached forward towards the wall.
" Wait! No-no-no-no wait!" The gem cried out in alarm before Steven's hand went smoothly through the yellow wall.

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