Chapter 7: Robot Factory

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"HL-PM...E SYS 64738...." Boom. Griff switched off. Edgar and Collette looked down at the mess they had made. Eh, at least all the glitching stopped. The only problem was that Griff just fell into one of the most hostile areas in Starr Park. The robot factory.

Several Gangs hid in the endless pathways of The Robotic slums. To the businessmen, it was an investment. To loan sharks and criminals, it was a whole city.

"Should we check on him?" Edgar asked.
"Probably." Responded Collette.

The couple both jumped down, to grab Griff. Edgar toggled with the buttons on the cash-machine's head. "Where the hell is that reboot button!" He yelled, jamming all the buttons. "Oh, there!" He pressed the button.

"Ah-Ah- Beepbopboop!" Griff had now reset.
"Alright, you two, let's get out of here! We have a lot to discuss."

"Oh, You Ain't goin' ENYWHERE!" A robotic voice yelled. The metallic shuttle-doors, previously surrounding them opened. "You can't come to port, destroy port, and hide in port. The only thing you guys can do is die in the port. Hah! Later, Bitches!" Rusty and clanky metal boots tramped on the copper floors of the factory. Some with arm- guns, some armed with boxing gloves, and some with no arms. "Now, as if it wasn't obvious enough, you are all fucked. So have a will ready, and pray to survive this one Fuck of a massacre! Wish you luck!" All the screens powered off, and the fleets' eyes turned red.

The trio stood in triangular formation, a formation created by Griff, so Edgar ignored the concept of staying together. "What, if one of us dies, boom! Fuckin' domino effect!" Edgar was smart with this thought, though, as a mega-bot emerged from the roof shuttle, jumping straight down to Collette and Griff. "Oh shit, they need to see that thing above them." Edgar thought before shouting at them, "LOOK ABOVE YOU AND RUN!"

Griff ran away, but Collette stood, stunned by a bot. "NO! COLLETTE!" Edgar ran towards her, and at the right distance with his scarf. He tried to grab her with it. It failed.

Boom. Collette was crushed by the bot, on 100HP. Edgar ran and grabbed the unconscious Collette, and jumped out of the factory. Though whilst running out, Collette got shot by 2 Gun-bots. Collette was now clinging on life, falling into death. Life-shot.

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