Griff Prologue: Crippling debt

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To do list:
Need to pay back loan to the Calamity gang and Partners, or things will get messy.
Write a list of stupid excuses to hang up on the bank.
Find ways to manipulate my workers into not getting paid.
Turn Edgar into a normal person.
Make Collette sane again- oh wait, she was never sane


Being a corrupt boss is so hard! Why?! WHY? I have 15 gems stashed away! I can't even afford a sunken chest costume for myself! SHIT! And Edgar isn't falling for it as well! That bastard employee, calling me? ME! A MOTHERFUCKER! THAT SICK BRAT! Oh, I'll give him hell. Oh, I'll show him real suffering. Collette can stay. But him, oh, the torture will be ENDLESS......

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