L x Reader: Safe

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A/N: Finally, I add something that has to do with the actually show lol.
You stopped by a small shop that sold many candies and other sweets. You bought several lollipops, gummy bears, and two slices of cake. You decided to surprise your boyfriend at work.

You entered the building with a big smile plastered on your face. You knocked on the door,"Lawliet! Open this door pleeeaaseee!" The door opened and you were immediately pulled inside. "Shh!" You opened your eyes to reveal the dark gray eyes of L. (They are dark gray right?) "L? What's going on?" He looked around, even though he was the only one in the room. "Kira may be watching us." You furred your eyebrows, "you know who Kira i--" L covered your mouth with his hand. He nodded, "turns out it's the man who's been working with me." Your eyes widened, "L-Light?" He nodded, "yes. I need you to get away from me, Y/N. I know it may be sad but it's for your own good. Who knows what this crazy man is going to do. He may come after me or he may come after you." You sighed, "but if he's Kira, it means he has the Death Note. Either way, he could kill me." L looked down, "I-I know. But if you leave it will have him think that you've backed off. It will make him believe that you no longer have to do anything with this business. Light will no longer be interested in you." You felt your eyes getting watery, "b-but L. I don't want to l-leave you. W-what will happen to y-you?" He closed his eyes, "that is still unknown. I bet it's bad, but better me than you." You hugged him, "L! Don't make me! Please!" He hugged you back, "Y/N, we have no other choice! We have to! I... I already booked a flight to America for you! You'll be safe there! Please, just trust me on this!" Tears streamed down your cheeks, "w-we don't have to L!" L looked at your watery e/c eyes. "Y/N, I just want to keep you safe. We'll meet again for sure, Y/N." L leaned in and kissed your lips, "I love you, Y/N." You kissed back, "I love you too, L."
The end! Request, vote, comment!

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