Chapter 118 - Battle of Romegan

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Nomi and Dash reached the troop transport on time despite the usual heavy traffic.
Wedge Antilles and the other Rogue Squadron pilots were already on board. Everyone cheered when they saw the couple enter.
Gavin Darklighter went to his sister and brother-in-law.
"I knew you both would go on the mission," he said after giving his sister a hug.
"You know us too well, little brother," Nomi replied with a big grin.
She dropped her backpack and sat on the bench for the short flight to the Mon Calamari Cruiser Home One. Her husband and brother sat next to her.
"Wedge told me you were already there," Gavin began. "Is it true that Strombol is on Romegan?"
The young man looked at them expectantly as he twirled his mustache absently.
"To be honest, we're not sure it's him," Dash replied, stretching out his legs. "But we know for certain that there are Imperial forces on Romegan."
His brother-in-law nodded thoughtfully.
"That means we're going in blind," Gavin said with a sigh. "It's not the first time, but that doesn't mean I like it."
They felt the vibrations of the shuttle as it took off and made its way to the waiting Home One.

Fifteen minutes later, the shuttle landed in the cruiser's main hangar. The Rogue Squadron pilots exited their transport and chatted idly, but the tension was still palpable. They moved into quarters near the ready room and settled in for the long flight to Romegan.
"I never thought we would be here again," Dash remarked, throwing his backpack in the corner and sitting on the cot.
"Life is full of surprises, darling," his wife replied, sitting down next to him. "But on the other hand, we're reunited with our comrades. And that's a damn good feeling."
Her husband gave her a lopsided grin.
"Don't let Luke hear that, honey."
Nomi laughed and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms behind her head.
"Luke isn't here and I doubt he doesn't miss his former comrades from Rogue Squadron."
They felt the change in the ship's vibrations and knew they had jumped into hyperspace.
It wasn't long before they heard a knock on the door. Dash stood up, opened it and saw his brother-in-law standing in front of him. He made room for him and the young man entered the quarters.
"Tycho has smuggled some jet sprit on board and I should invite you to a little welcome party. The simulator training and the briefing will not take place until tomorrow and so we can afford that," Gavin said with a smile and nodded to his big sister.
"Do you know what happens if we get caught?" Nomi asked, already standing up.
Her brother knew it was just a rhetorical question. Until now, their superiors had always acted as if they didn't notice anything and let the pilots do what they were doing. As long as they were ready when it mattered, everything was fine.
They left the quarters together and made their way to the place where the party was taking place.

Nomi and Dash were greeted with cheers and it was as if they had never left. The small party was not only a welcome for old comrades but also an outlet for the tension of the pilots, who didn't know what to expect at their deployment location.
Wedge Antilles had just taken a sip of jet sprit and passed the bottle to Dash.
"To a successful mission," the squadron commander said after swallowing the alcohol that burned his throat.
"To a successful mission," Rendar replied, taking a sip from the bottle and handing it to his wife.
Nomi also took a sip without making a face as the alcohol burned in her throat. One by one, the Rogue Squadron pilots drank to a successful mission after the newcomers had settled on the hangar floor.
During the evening there were many conversations between Nomi, Dash and their comrades. It was like a homecoming.
When they parted ways, it was already late and the jet sprit was gone.

The next few days were filled with simulator exercises and briefings as Home One and Silent Water continued towards their destination in the depths of hyperspace. Not knowing what to expect, it was difficult to prepare for the upcoming battle.
But the exercises ensured that the pilots would perform flawlessly under all circumstances.
The members of Rogue Squadron were summoned to the ready room before the Mon Calamari Cruiser was about to exit hyperspace. Everyone was in full gear and the tension was palpable. Adrenaline was already pumping through their bodies.
Wedge Antilles stood before them, cleared his throat and waved his hand for silence.
"We will reach our destination in a few minutes. Admiral Ackbar wants us to escort the shuttles that will deploy our ground troops."
There was a murmur.
"I know it sounds like babysitting but it's a vital task. We will do our best as always. Man your fighters and may the Force be with us."
The commander put on his helmet before climbing the ladder and entering the cockpit.
One by one, the other pilots boarded their X-wings and prepared for takeoff. Then they waited for their leader's signal.

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