2. New town, same old..

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Kaya's screams pull me out of my sleep. I had almost forgotten mom put her here when she left in the morning. I drag myself out of bed, still half asleep, scratching my belly and smacking my lips as I drag myself to where her crib is. I pick her up, rubbing her back.

When she goes quiet, I hold her up in front of me. She always does this, every time she wakes up from her nap and doesn't receive immediate attention she screams like the world is ending then goes back to being an adorable bag of giggles when she is picked up.

"Aren't you too young for the diva scene littlest K? Hm?" I ask her and she smiles, kicking her feet in the air, I narrow my eyes at her but fess up to that adorable face, smiling back.

The front door opens and I hear the footsteps running up the stairs before there is a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say, showing Kaya her toy and waving it around her.

"I am so sorry am late, it's my first day and I know Mrs Montgomery..." She rambles walking in.

"It's fine Caitlin, I got her." I stop her.

"Aw, there's the pretty princess, come to aunt Caity." She coos to Kaya, holding out her arms to her. Kaya easily accepts, going over to her easily.

I worry at how easy it is for Kaya to accept people. I know she is a baby but a little self preservation wouldn't kill her.

This is the first time we would be entrusting her to a nanny and I was not all that comfortable with it. Caitlin was a good candidate, she wasn't too young to get distracted by her phone nor too old to fall asleep on the job. She even had a resume and work experience.

Yet, still, I couldn't get comfortable with the idea.

"I'm gonna give her a bath and leave you to it." She informs me before she goes to leave the room.

"Wait," I call her before picking up the little shaker shaped like a sunflower," there you go K." I say, handing it to her.

The Montgomerys have had our fair share of moving about and ups and downs but seeing that bakery yesterday felt different. It felt permanent, it felt like hope. So far the twins liked our new home, especially after Keila and Khalil spotted the arcade in the main square.

It kind of freaked me out, the hope that is. Feeling like that, it's dangerous because it lifts you up so high that when you fall, you shatter. It's why I went spray painting on my first day. Which now I realize was dumb because if I had been caught I would have ruined it all.

I keep imagining Bells sighing and shaking her head at me.

"Speak of the devil." I say, seeing her name flash on my screen.

"Tell me all about it? What's it like? Small and all countryside like or creepy and haunted?"

"Morning to you too."

"Answer the question."

"It's a normal regular town with houses and people. Exactly like Willows, only here there's an estate for rich folks."

"An estate..wait ..you didn't graffiti?"

"Well .."

"Oh you dumb twit."

"Well that's not very peace and love of you now is it gypsy?"

"You bring out the worst in me Montgomery. I can't believe you lucked out, haunted town would have been so cool.But seriously, do you like it there?"

"I don't know it's too early to like. But the house is great the shop is awesome, everyone is happy."

"Everyone except grouchy Mcgrouchiness. You used to be so fun Kie! I just hope that place brings back that you, start by making friends, you are starting to get a whole loner vibe."

Wide awake Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora