Prologue part 2: The transfer

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"Thanks dad, that means a lot to me." (Y/N) answered and gave a small smile back.

The doors then opened again and a man wearing a medical coat walked in. He walked to (Y/N) and his family and spoke:

"Good morning (Y/N) and Mr and Ms. (L/N). I am doctor Zeke and I came you to bring you the results of the tests to determine how bad your internal bleeding is."

"And, what are the results?" (Y/N)'s father asked the doctor.

"I am terribly sorry to have to break this news to you but...(Y/N) is dying."

"What?!" Both (Y/N)'s parents yelled, while his sister just had a look of pure shock on her face.

The doctor continued: "His internal bleeding is too heavy to be able to be treated and we are already beginning to see sign of organ failure because of the blood loss. One of his kidneys is already starting to break down, although for now he won't notice it because his second one will take over the work the first one was doing. But in the coming days it will start spreading to his other organs. (Y/N) has approximatly 5 days to live before his heart and lungs fail."

(Y/N)'s father staggered and had to hold on to the railing on the edge of (Y/N)'s bed to avaoid falling on the floor, his mother started crying along with his sister, (Y/N) just lay silently on the bed, shocked that his life was already coming to an end.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" (Y/N)'s father asked.

"I'm sorry, we can't save him with our current medical capabilities, the technology that is able to heal those wounds does not exist yet."

The doctor continued, speaking with clear sincerity: "I will now leave so you can all process his information, once again, I am truly sorry."

The doctor then left the room and everyone, including (Y/N)'s father started to cry, something (Y/N) had never seen before. (Y/N) just continued laying quiet on the bed, silently coming to terms with the result of his actions, dread starting sink in, knowing that he was forced to spend his final days in a hospital bed, feeling his body slowly giving up on him, without being able to do a single thing about it.

*2 hours later*

(Y/N), his sister and his parents, who after a while had stopped crying, were discussing what (Y/N) would want to do in the final days of his life, the things he COULD do when a knock was heard on the door. They looked and saw the nurse from earlier walk in with 2 men in business suits following her.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation but these 2 representatives from JCJenson wish to speak with you." The nurse said to (Y/N) before leaving the room shortly after.

"With me?" (Y/N) said, who at this point was sitting a bit more upright because his parents had been able to change the setting of his bed along with some help of the nurse.

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