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bangchan watched as angel smiled at her phone, han fucking jisung. bangchan mumbled, but quiet enough so angel didn't hear. bangchan was annoyed, he wanted angel all to herself. but the girl was blind, she didn't even notice his show of affection as teenagers.

"...so i heard this place served really good meat." bangchan smiled, trying to hide his annoyance. angel sets her phone down and looks up at bangchan, moving a piece of hair out of her face as she settled.

"yeah i also heard about it online..." angel said as she skimmed through the menu. angel looked up at bangchan, who was already staring at her. it was silent for a moment. bangchan had to ask. his curiosity was getting the best of him.

"why do you like han?" bangchan suddenly asked, breaking the silence that was building with anticipation. angel was caught off guard, she looked away.

"he's very...different. i know he seems like an ass when you first meet him. but once he gets comfortable with you, he gets really clingy and affectionate. it's cute. and he genuinely cares for me, he's just to shy to show it." angel didn't understand why had was so cold and reserved, but she gave him a chance.

"don't you see how he treats people? he's so disrespectful it pisses me off." bangchan scoffed, leaning back and manspreading in his seat.

"he's working on that, trust me he—"

"working on that? it's common sense not to treat someone like trash." bangchan spat. he was getting agitated. he could treat angel so much better than han. angel never heard bangchan lash out like that. she gulped.

"have nothing to say cause it's true? you clearly only care about how he treats you. it makes you look like a damn narcissist." bangchan shook his head in disappointment before he stood up and left. he didn't bother to stay when he knew he couldn't have her. angel sat there, she had an uneasy feeling in her stomach. she knew bangchan was right. angel wanted to defend han. but why? why was she risking so much for this boy?

she had lost her appetite. leaving shortly after bangchan did. she glanced at her phone, should she text han?


hey han, are you at the dorm?
read, 6:01

angel frowned. he left her on seen? she sighed. shoving her phone back in her bag as she started walking back to the dorms.

han was panicking, he was on the verge of tears as he read the text he received from his mom.

today, 6:05

hello han, your father and i will be
visiting to see how well you're doing in
classes. i want you to be dressed formally,
we are going out to dinner to discuss your
future plans.

han hated his parents. they treated him so poorly. they controlled him because they wanted han to be the perfect son. but he didn't wanna be perfect, he thought going to this college would be his escape from that hell. of course han was never the one to show emotion, especially to angel, but he desperately needed her in the moment. he clicked on her contact, hand trembling as he place the phone to his hear.

"a-angel? i know you're with bangchan, but i need you right now. please..." han's said meekly, his parents could show up any minute since his mother didn't give him a specific time.

"han? are you okay?" angel grew concerned, she noticed his change of tone. it wasn't the blunt one he always spoke with. that's how she knew something was very wrong.

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