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over the past couple of days, han became clingy. constantly wanting to be caressed and doted on by angel. he didn't have shame asking for it, but he did in public. han of course has to keep up his cold exterior.

angel had forced han to go shopping with her, she wanted him to buy new clothes. wearing the same six pairs of black shirts and sweatpants was too boring, han didn't care about his style, but angel did.

walking side by side, han was tired already. he'd rather be at the gym or studying. han didn't understand the excitement of shopping. it was boring, plus there was too many people.

"angel. are we done yet? we've been to two stores already. my feet hurt." han complained, his tone bored and his eyes on angel.

"stop whining, you work out at the gym for five hours a day i don't think this is any different." angel looked around at any stores that caught her eye, hoping han would shut up and walk.

"this is so boring..." han mumbled. he gazed around the mall, eyes widening as he spotted something that caught his eye immediately. he quickly grabbed angel's hand and started to drag her to the store that had him in a trance.

"han? where are we going?" angel looked up at him with a confused expression as he dragged her. they stopped in front of the lego store. han turned around and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking at her intensely, his eyes glistening with excitement. something angel hasn't seen before.

"we. have. to. go. in. here." han said in the most serious tone ever. he wasn't playing around when it came to legos. he loved building them, the sets always fascinated him.

"okay..?" she didn't know why han was so serious about the toys. but she didn't mind. she walked in the store along with han. he gasped at everything he saw. picking up one specific set. he grabbed angel's sleeve excitedly, biting his lip and showing it to her.

"it's cool, right? right?" han said as he looked at angel for approval. angel smiled as she glanced down at the the typewriter lego set. it looked nice. like an actual typewriter.

"very cool, you want it?" angel asked, and han nodded quickly. he seemed so excited just looking at it.

"so bad. i've only seen it online. i need it." han was like a child on christmas day. he then looked down at the price. $250. it was so stupidly expensive. but han needed it.

"it's quite expensive, huh? why do you want it so bad?" she tilted her head slightly. finding it a bit cute how han was still into legos at this age.

"don't ask questions. just look at it. imagine building this..." han said as if angel was crazy. who wouldn't want a lego typewriter? angel snickered, he was such a nerd, it was cute.

"okay but it's way too much money. both of us can't afford it." angel felt a bit bad, but it was true. they were broke college students. she grabbed the lego set and placed it back on the shelf. han pouted slightly, biting the inside of his cheek as he stared at the box. han grabbed angel's hand, wanting to be comforted after this oh so traumatic moment. his heart broke after leaving the lego store, how dramatic he was. angel intertwined their hands and made their way to a clothing store.

"angel," han whined. "can't we just go home? im fine with my clothes already."

"stop acting like a baby, you need new clothes." angel said as she walked around the store, han following her like a lost puppy. angel held up multiple pieces of clothing for han to decide on. han wasn't really thinking, he just randomly said yes or no. all he was enjoying was angel's presence, that's all he really cared about. about an hour later, angel had successfully picked out a few outfits for han. they had were hungry, walking towards the food court. waiting in line for rose tteokbokki. angel was approached by a short man with brown curly hair, his cute dimples could be seen by a mile away. it was her childhood best friend, bangchan.

"woah, angel?" bangchan said as his eyes widen a bit, taking in angel's new appearance. angel gasped. she immediately pulled bangchan into a hug, in which he gladly returned. meanwhile han was in shock, who was this guy and why was he hugging angel?

"bangchan! you're here? i didn't expect you to be back in seoul.." angel smiled as she pulled away. bangchan couldn't help but smile too, he had missed angel so much.

"i decided to visit, i missed it here. oh gosh, you've grown up so much..." bangchan said as he brought up his hand to move a piece of hair away from her face. han rolled his eyes, nudging angel's arm. angel was snapped out of her trance.

"oh! bangchan, this is han, my college roommate. and bangchan is my childhood friend from australia."

"...hi." han said quietly. he found bangchan quite imitating. he didn't like the look of him, the aussie was also very attractive. han felt jealous.

"hey! nice to meet you." bangchan nodded his head and gave han a small smile. then turned to angel.

"you go to college now? what do you major in..?" soon angel and bangchan's conversation lasted almost two hours, the duo catching up with everything going on in their lives. turns out bangchan was actually a trainee for a small company. the whole time han kept holding angel's hand. was he jealous? yes. why? he can't answer that. it was a bad habit, han can't control his jealousy.

the sun was setting, angel decided to call it a day and say goodbye to bangchan. they obviously exchanged numbers, angel was so happy. she had such fun today. she still can't believe she had seen bangchan again. as they walked out of the mall, angel turned to han.

"did you enjoy today? i cant wait to see the clothes you bought." angel said as they approached his car, hands swinging together as they walked.

"it was fine. that bangchan guy wouldn't shut up." han looked away, trying to hide his jealousy.

"i haven't seen him in years, of course we'd be chatting a lot." angel sat in the passenger seat, placing the bags in the back as han started the car and took off.

"i felt left out though." han didn't like how bangchan looked at angel either, it was like the boy was in love with her. angel was han's, no one can take his angel away from him...angel didn't know it yet. but she would soon.

"...sorry. i guess we were talking a lot, huh?" angel smiled, she squished han's cheeks playfully. han bit back a smile, he had never felt so safe with anyone before.

"i guess it's fine...just pay more attention to me." han was a bit clingy. maybe more than a bit, but he liked angel, he wanted her undivided attention. han loved being coddled by her. angel chuckled softly.

"right, got it. pay more attention to the squirrel. want me to feed you acorns?" angel teased, her lips curling into a grin. han rolled his eyes.

"i am not a squirrel."


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