Chapter Eighteen

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I pulled my sweater up my bare shoulders, shivering as the cold wind came into contact with my skin. I had no idea where we were going but the silence was very much comfortable so I didn't bother asking. The gravel beneath us crunched as we walked further and further away from the house.

I was actually that Damian didn't even try to block our paths when we walked out that door. I was thankful anyway, I didn't to hear him putting all the blame on me for the reason his pack house got burnt to the ground.

Soon we stopped in what seemed the gardens and took a seat on a wooden bench under a pink leafed tree. I stared into the distance, fighting the urge to curl up into a ball and forget about the world that was revolving around me.

"What's on your mind?" I had a lot on my mind... I didn't even know where to start.

"Have you ever thought about leaving?" I asked, changing the subject. It wasn't after I asked it that I wondered why she never tried it. I knew Maddie well enough to walk out on a house full of werewolves without giving a shit.

"I have, it's just..." She didn't finished so I turned to face her completely. She was playing with her fingers absent-mindedly with a small smile playing at her lips. The smile seemed almost sad.

"What is it?" I pressed. I got no reply and huffed as a result causing her eyes to snap at me.

"What?" she asked.

"Why won't you tell me what's keeping you from leaving?"

"Well you never want to talk to me about your issues... This is not a one way relationship." I couldn't deny that for sure. For all I knew, she'd been the most patient friend I had. Others simply drifted away from me once I registered myself as a closed individual. Perhaps that's why I never attempted to date... well except for Kyle, and look where it got me.

I returned to my previous sitting position and leaned against the back of the bench, relaxing into it completely. For once I had peace surrounding and I did what a normal person would do... cherish it. I knew it wouldn't last for as long as I wanted it to, but it was better than nothing.

Eventually, the sun began to disappear behind the horizon, summoning us back to the safe quarters of the house. It wasn't like I had a choice though. I knew there an angry Damian waiting for me to get back, so I did what I thought was best. I decided to stay back instead of walking with Maddie to the house. She sent a worried glance my way, but I assured that I'd be fine.

I came across a puddle whilst walking through the gardens, admiring almost every flower I saw. All of them had a different scent, like how each person has a different look. It wasn't until the cold started to come down that I decided to pull my sweater up a bit.

I had an uneasy feeling the whole time back to the house, like something was prying it's way out of me. I pushed it aside as nothing until I could have no longer ignore the claw like feelings that were getting less gentle. Something was happening to me, and I had no idea what to do.

Soon enough, I couldn't control where my legs were going, and I was heading straight for a forest, if I wasn't in it yet. Then I began seeing the trees flashing colors before my eyes. Their inner trunks where red and all around it was green and blue, like heat-ray vision.

And before I knew it, I was on all fours. And that's when it started, a blur rushing before my eyes, no matter how hard I fought back, the force was stronger than me. My limbs were growing tired, and I couldn't stop to rest. As a matter of fact, I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I running.

Then the screams started, and I tried to convince myself that they were coming from me but deep down inside, I knew they weren't. And until I ended in front of the house covered in blood, I was sure.

Slowly, I looked behind me, and a thick trail of bright red blood had pooled itself towards my foot, and yet I couldn't stop running. It was as if something else was controlling me beyond my limits. It felt like hours until I felt a familiar presence running beside me. Whatever it was, its emotions were rolling off like waves in my direction, waves of anxiety and fear.

"Ashley, you need to stop!" I heard a whimper in my head. The trees were beginning to slow as they zoomed pass me, and air began to grow still until everything came to an end. I stared at my paws that were drenched with blood while I caught my breath, and soon another wolf was trotting towards me.

"Change to your human form," it seemed to say. And I did without even trying, returning to my bare body. And so did the wolf before me.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" he asked, taking long steps towards me.

"No," I whimpered, looking around, shivering against the cold. There were lights from a small civilization in the distance, but other than that, we were completely surrounded by unclaimed land.

"I don't think you understand," he growled and gripped unto my arm firmly, dragging me through the forests until the lights were clearer. We stood against a gentle precipice, overlooking the small suburbs and it shined in the dull weather. "Listen closely, and tell me what you hear."

I listened, but all I heard were cries of pain, agony and loss. It seemed so peaceful from here, but these people were really suffering. And yet all we did was stand and look. It didn't seem right. 

"We have to help them," I said, trying to yank my arm free. He snapped his head towards me, staring with such perception.

"We can't go there. They'd kill both of us."

"Damian, we can't just stand here. These people are suffering!" As stubborn as he was, he shook his with that defiant expression if his. He spun me around to face him completely, holding my wrists in his grip.

"Do you see all this blood on you? They're from the same people you want to help."

"What are you talking about?" I asked frowning.

"You caused their suffering Ashley."

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