chapter 1: welcome to camp

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🐥-big Q










‼️- awesomedude/sam



⚪️-"Oh, and make sure you don't swim in the lake without a -"

my mom spoke before she was cut off by my mother

⚫️-"I think he understands hun your gonna bore him to death before we get to the scout camp,"

my mother said, giggling a bit. It was my first day of scout camp I fixed my facemask to hid my fangs being half enderman sucks but the human part not so bad cause I can touch and go into water unlike my mom she's full enderman

As I stared out the window, I saw the scout camp it looked quite nice. As we got out of the car, we were greeted by two counslers

🐦‍⬛-"Well hi there, you must be ranboo, right?"

A man with blonde hair tied up in a pony tail he had black wristbands on with hearts on them he had on a shirt that said the camps name on it and black leggings with big black wings on his back

⚪️-"yes that would be him he's super shy at first, but when you get two, know him he's like an open book,"


I groan she always said the most random things about me that weren't evan true...well kinda true

🐏- "welcome to the hell kid"


The blonde man hit the man next to him. He had mutton chops and messy brown hair and goat horns that went around two goat ears. One horn a ring on it. I assumed he was married

🐦‍⬛- "sorry about him. I'm philza minecraft, and this is schlatt. we have more counselors you're gonna meet, not just us. "

Philza smiled at me it was welcoming. I liked it. we Bagan to walk around camp. I learned were every thing was the cafeteria, the cabins everything

I did wonder were the other kids were I assumed they were in the cabins since we didn't go in them but I don't want to come off as annoying and ask a bunch of questions after the tour was over my parents left it was just me and the two counslers

🐦‍⬛- "Well how about I show you to your cabin ranboo!"

Counsler philza showed me to a cabin I heard yelling inside as he opened the door there were 3 other boys in the cabin a blonde boy with blue eyes and demon horn headband at least I think it was a headband and braces with a red a and white jacket with a black shirt he was yelling at a boy with fluffy brown hair and blue eye and goat horns just like counsler schlatts but smaller and he had on a green shirt that was super Wrinkled and on one of the bunkbeds there was a kid with brown fluffy hair,glasses and small black wings and a yellow sweater reading a book


🦝- "sorry dad..."

🦢- "is that the new camper?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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