New b-romance on the ground

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Series started after a week. Ro was included in the squad as informed by Virat. Both teams were tied at the end of two matches. One player got injured during the second match. Vi was fighting with himself whether to add Ro instead of him or not. He asked Jinks about it.

"Are you sure Vi ? I mean he is not yet experienced. And we are tied. This is a risky situation. " Ajju asked him

"I know Jinks but. In order to get experiences he need to participate right ?"

"I know you think for the best of the team Vi. Lets go with him"

India won the toss and decided to bat first. However, openers partnership broke when they were only forty three and Ajju got out. Sonu played the third place and was able to bring up the score. Their second wicket fell when Vi was out. The score was 120. Maneesh joined as the forth.

Vi approached Ro.

"Ro get ready. It seems like Sonu is not able hold anymore. "

"Bhai I... "

"You can Ro.. you will " Vi patted his back.

Sonu's wicket fell when he was 53. Score was 170. Ro entered the ground in fifth place. Fans were familiar with him. He took some time to understand balls. Vi was nervous at first. Then Ro smashed a six. They switched sides for a single run for next ball. Maneesh got out for the next ball. Next one was Jaddu.

"Jad.. don't loss the cool. Just try to stay without getting out. And do not distract him "

"Got you cap. " he saluted

He went to the ground and fist bumped Ro.

"Lets get this over baby " he winked at Ro. One of the warnings Vi gave

Vi was hoping Jad will not distract Ro.

They able to build a partnership of seventy. Ro was able to complete fifty. He raised his bat. Jaddu ran to him.

"Congratz for the first fifty Ro " He hugged him after bumping their helmets together.

Little did they realize that the fans were screaming louder.

"Thanks bhai "

At the end of the fiftieth over their score board was 256. Vi knew it was not that good. But it was a result of the series of wicket falling.

"Good job little one " Vi hugged Ro

"And lot of drama " Ash hit Jaddu lightly.

In the second half. Bowlers were able to get seven wickets. However, opposite team needed to get 10 runs in last over. It was an easy task. Vi gave the over to Jaddu. First ball was a dotted one but the batter hit two fours for the next two. It was two from three.

However Jaddu was able to bowl two more dot balls. Next one was challenging. Batsman was ready for a four or six. Ball hit the bat and it went higher than expected. It went closer to the boundary. Ro who was fielding near there was able to catch it. India won the series.

Jaddu ran toward Ro and picked him up. He twirled Ro a bit. Others also joined for a hug.

All admins off cricket pages got a job to share pictures of special moments of Jaddu and Ro.

Their pictures were all over the internet.


'New b-romance on the ground'

'Starting of new fandom'

There were many more .

And teammates never missed a chance to make fun of them. Ro was hiding from them in the safest place. His Ajju bhai's room. No one barge into this room.

"Ro why are you here without your Romeo?" Ajju entered the room and saw Ro was already there.

"Ajju bhai not you too. See I'm hiding here "

"What is wrong with it ?"

"It is... embracing "

"So you don't like that moment "

Ro was silent. Suddenly he got a call from ma.

"Yes ma... NO WAY.. ok sorry. No he didn't.. I will... I'm not a baby.. yeah yeah... bye. Take care.." He hung up

"What happened ?"

"Family wedding bhai. I need to go to my home town "

"Ask Virat. You can go since we just finished a series "

"Ok bhai.. I'm going. Oh before that. Don't tell others that you saw me."

Ajju was looking at the running kid while smiling.

Ro entered Vi's room

"Oh look who is here " Vi teased him

"Don't start bhai otherwise I will leave "

"Did I say something ?" Vi raised an eyebrow.

"Oh this is my pillow. I wondered where this is " Ro saw his pillow on Vi's bed and took it back.

"Do you have any pillow left in your room. One here, another at Jaddu's "

"Only two. Because Ajju bhai let me have his ones unlike you two.." Ro pouted

"Seriously Ro I should add new rule to others not to pamper you."

"You cant "

"Why ?"

"Because you are doing the same. Now no more talks about pampering Ro. Pay attention to what I have to say "

"Ok baba all attention is yours" Vi gave up

"Bhai I have to attend a wedding "

"You can. We are free this week"

"Their house is in Nagpur bhai. I need to go there. Ma and Papa are already there" Ro explained the situation to Vi.

"Nagpur ? Is it in the Bungalow you were talking about. Which gave you that nightmares " Vi was concerned about Ro

"Yes bhai "

"Ro I think you should go with one of the teammates. I cant risk your life. Others will be busy with the wedding. What if something"

"Don't worry bhai I will be safe "

"Veer did you see.. oh you are here" Jaddu came there while searching for Ro.

"Jad.. come in. You are just in time. So were you searching for Ro?"

"Yes Veer. And you Mr.Sharma.. why are you running away from me...? And damn your legs never betrayed you right"

Ro was looking everywhere avoiding Jaddu

"Oh I got the perfect idea Ro. How about you go there with Jaddu "

"What ?"

"Yeah. Jaddu aren't you free these days. Do something for me. Assist Ro to his hometown "

"Are you planning to leave without informing me?" Jad raised an eyebrow.

"No bhai.. its my cousin's wedding and Vi bhai doesn't want me to go alone "

"Ok I'm in" Jaddu said

"Are you sure bhai I mean I can go alone"

"No its not a problem. I'm bored anyways. I will go with him Veer "

"Ok problem solved right. Then you two are going to Nagpur"

"Wait... Nagpur ?"


"Ravi bhai you are here ?"

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