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"I'm serious, you should've seen her face, it was hilarious, her soul left her body." Wonwoo burst out laughing. The others joined him but you just glared at them. They all knew you were an insomniac so they planned on scaring you when you were in the living room.

"It's not funny, I was actually scared."You insisted."No one asked you to go out of the room." Vernon huffed.

"I specifically told you to get some sleep but you left me alone." Chan pouted. "I was scared of monsters." He added. You rolled your eyes at his drama.

"Breakfast's ready." Mingyu called from the kitchen. At the mention of food, they rushed passed you like hungry animals. You lazily dragged yourself since you were still sleepy.

Jeonghan hastily dragged you along with him and placed you between Hoshi and Seungkwan.
"No slacking off at the table." Mingyu said placing a plate of pancaked and a glass of orange juice in front of you.

"I wanted some hangover soup." You stated. "Tsk, I didn't ask you to drink the night away.ingyu shot back at you.

You glared at him but he equally returned the glare." Both of you are the true definition of dumbasses." Seungcheol declared.

"Cut it off, after breakfast, you have to go shopping." He pointed at you.
"Why " You whined.

"Do you prefer to weary clothes instead?" Jeonghan smirked. You shook your head vigorously in response. "I have a few errands to run." You pleaded

"It's only shopping chill." Minghao murmured.
"She's just so dumb and annoying for my liking." Chan added. "All of you should just shut up and eat."

They ignored you and continued arguing. Hours passed and the fourteen of you lay down on the floor like the miserable people you were.

"Because of your useless food fight, I'm still hungry"
You whined while throwing your legs around.

"You can eat me if you want." Dokyeom offered making your eyes go wide.

"No...uh that's not what I meant." He apologized. "Because of your mean words Kyeom, Chan is tainted." Jeonghan said.

"Excuse me, y/n and I are the same age so why are you not pestering her as well?" Chan huffed.

"I'm going to bed." Woozi yawned. "It's only nine in the morning." Vernon reminded. "And your point is?" Woozi asked.

"Get up y/n and go do some shopping, you'll be using the guest room by mine." Mingyu said.

"I need to go with someone else I'm going nowhere." You pouted.
"I'll come with." Hoshi, Dokyeom and Seungkwan said in unison.

"Fine, I'ma take a shower real quick."

"You can shower in my room, I'll try not to look." Wonwoo smirked.
"Pervert." You glared at him and walked to the bathroom.

When you were done, you threw on some comfy clothes and made your way downstairs. "We're four years apart but you manage to take my breath away everytime." Joshua said.

You couldn't hide your blush everytime someone complimented you. "Anyways we'll get going now." You said while hugging Joshua.

"Where's my hug too?" Mingyu asked
"I left it in the fridge." You rolled your eyes and walked to the car with the other three.

"Naurrrr way, Jeonghan actually gave you his car." Seungkwan whispered. You smirked in full victory knowing you were his favorite.

                               ~ ~ ~

"Swears, it'll look good on you." Seungkwan said handing you an outfit to try on. "Not my style so let's try something less flashy." You smiled.

"Sheesh." He walked away.
Hoshi also brought you some clothes and Dokyeom was currently at the food court stuffing his face.

The store attended helped you with a fee dresses since the outline was a bit complicated. "Excuse me, I need help with the one at A3E."
You turned to see who it was making the colour drain from your face.

For The Last Time(svt x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora