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The bulky man paid no heed to you as he paced around his office in a distressed manner.
He was angry;mad angry to be precise
He even missed a few meetings with some of his infamous clients but that was not his priority. You flinched from the sudden noise of his fist slamming the table.

"What do you mean by the goods were not delivered by my personal agent!?!"
You cowered from the unexpected outburst. When his gaze landed on you, realization dawned on you.

You were nothing but his personal toy

Everytime he needed to release his anger, he always took it out on you. The only reason you relied on him was that the pay was good and you had nowhere to go.

You knew his line of business yet you agreed to work with him. He took out anyone that stood in his way without thinking about it even for a split second.

"Listen carefully y/n, don't you ever dare mess with me or I won't hesitate to punish you." He spoke with pure hatred and anger.

Your eyes welled up reminiscing your past events with your boss but you decided to hold on for some time.
People called you an attention seeker without knowing anything about you.

You walked out of his office after replying trying not to create any further form of embarrassment. You walked briskly avoiding the set of eyes that threw glares in your direction.

You picked up your black clutch from your desk and made your way out of the office building. A humourless chuckle escaped your lips before leaving your resignation letter on your desk.

The ladies in the office held a strong dislike for you due to your close relationship with the boss. You were just a young girl and being seventeen while going through all this bullshit was something you never expected.

Your phone dinged and realization struck you that you were late for class. After paying the driver, you sneakily entered the school trying not to get noticed but before you could take another step, someone tripped you making you fall flat on the floor.

Looking up, you were met with four pairs of vicious eyes. Your school tormentors made your life a living hell after word got out that your dad was a retired gangster.

"Look at her ugly ass face. What is a loser like you doing here? This school belongs to privileged people and a rag doll like you has no position here." Lisa said.

"Well last time I checked, the school was also not for hoes." You retorted
Her face scrunched up looking at you in disgust. "If you'll excuse me, I have to get to class." You said walking past them.

The feeling of cold liquid going down your dress was enough for you to let out a gasp. "Girls, beat her up mercilessly." Jennie grimaced.

"Jennie, don't you think it's too much?" Jisoo asked. Lisa nudged Jisoo's elbow while Rosé ignored them.

Jennie tsked."Sleep well darling."
She grabbed the curtains and began to choke you with them. You tapped her hand furiously but she continuously tightened the curtain till you lost consciousness.

They all walked away leaving your lifeless body there.

*Time skip*

Students flooded the hallways through paper planes around. Some glanced at you and passed by while a few others tried to shake you awake.
One boy with intriguing features pushed through the hoards of people and lifted you up carefully.

To you, this wasn't even a quarter of what you had to go through in your entire life spent. Moving to different houses asking for a vacant space or preferably a job.

Constantly getting assaulted wasn't something you needed and you had to put a stop to it now.

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