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2 years later

Honey Dayes

Girl are you coming to bible study tomorrow?" Kira asked as she packed her bible in her bag.

I looked up from folding my clothes. "Uhm, no, I'm going to visit my best friend Monica in the city," I replied, smiling at the thought of catching up with Monica after 2 years.

Kira's face fell dramatically, and she fake cried "Oh, and how long will that be? Girl, I can't carry the church choir alone"

"Just for a week, I promise I'll be back," I assured her in between laughs.

"May the city not turn you into a harlot," Kira joked.

I shook my head "I was never a city girl, you know that."

Kira laughed, nodding in agreement.

"Not everyone is cut out for the city life."I added

"Okay, girl... since you got your degree," Kira teased, referring to my recent graduation with a degree in criminal justice.

Ironic I know.

"Okay let me get going bye Honey I love you."Kira said as she gave me a hug.

"Bye Kiki I love you more."i smiled as she left.

I quickly grabbed my bag stuffing it with more outfits than I really needed. Just a week's trip, yet there I was packing like I was moving overseas.

After that, I hopped into the shower, did all I needed to then sat there waiting on Monica to pull up.

I popped my head into my grandma's room, saying "Monica's about to pull up any minute now, Grandma Love you loads, I'll be back soon" I planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Stay safe out there, baby," she said "don't be fooling around out thea"

"Of course I already miss you," I said, my words drifting off as Monica pulled up.

Rushing outside, I hopped into Monica's car. She leaped out of the driver's seat, all excited, and began helping me load my stuff into the trunk.

"Girl, I've been missing you like crazy," Monica exclaimed, wrapping me in a tight hug. "It's been too damn long, like 2 fucking years is crazy not gonna lie"

"I've missed you too, Mon," I replied, returning her smile.

As we settled into the car, Monica decided to playfully tease me, "So, how's life been in the farm country, huh?"

I let out a chuckle. "Cut it out," I said. "It's been all right, you know? Been hitting up church and school."

Monica raised an eyebrow "Church and school, huh? Look at you, all grown up and stuff."

I rolled my eyes, punching her playfully in the arm. "Stop playin', Mon. You know I'm still the same old me."

Monica just laughed putting the key in the ignition.

"So, spill the tea, girl. Any new drama at the farm?"

I shook my head"Nah, nothing too crazy. Just the usual farm stuff, you know? Cows mooing, chickens clucking, and all that jazz."

Monica laughed, giving me a playful shove. "You and your farm adventures. I swear, you're like a whole different breed, girl."

I shot her a glare. "Hey, don't be dissing my farm life. It's peaceful out there, away from all the city chaos."

Monica giggled . "I hear you, I hear you. But you gotta admit, you miss the city."

Getting to the city was a drag, man. A whole 4-hour drive that felt like forever, but hey, we made it nonetheless

Seeing Monica's  crib was like a trip down memory lane - it had been ages since I last laid eyes on the place.

Monica helped me haul my stuff inside, reminiscing about all the crazy times we'd shared in that house.

But as we were lugging my bags through the hallway, we ran into her older brother, Brandon.

"Daaaamn, honey, is that you? It's been too long," Brandon yelled for no reason at all, his voice filling up the space. "How was life out on the farm?"

I rolled my eyes, letting out a sigh. "Man, why's everyone always gotta ask me 'bout that farm life?"

"Yo, Monica, you bringing a farm girl to the hood now?" Brandon teased, a smirk dancing on his face.

Monica nudged him playfully. "Shut up, Brandon. She's practically family."

"Obviously it's miss Dayes."

"Hey, I can handle myself in any hood, thank you very much."

The three of us made our way to Monica's room, dropping my bags near the bed.

I flopped down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"So, what's the move for tonight, y'all?" Brandon asked.

Monica shrugged "I don't know, I'm down for anything... Honey, you tryna do something?" She turned to me, waiting for my input.

"I just got here, so I'm cool with whatever you guys decide."

"Aight, bet. I'm finna call up a couple of my niggas, and we gonna kick it, hang out, smoke a couple of joints, and maybe get laid 'cause I'ma invite Tania, Kisha, Lindsay, and Lydia and shit," Brandon said, his excitement palpable as he rattled off the names.

I raised an eyebrow at Brandon's boldness but he always been that way all he thinks about is sex money and weed.

Monica shot Brandon a look"Brandon, you always gotta take it to the extreme, don't you?"

"Yo why hold back when you can live it up, right?"

"Aight so we just gon kick it all together and enjoy life, and since Honey is back we got reason to celebrate..."Monica said.

"Sounds good to me." I shrugged.

"dang we thought we lost you to the barns and cows and chickens and shit," Brandon added.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked"Ha ha ha not funny," I said, rolling my eyes "quite teasing me about it."

"Girl you know Brandon be tweaking"Monica shook her head.

"Yo yo yo yo we both thought it."Brandon said to Monica.

"Truth or not, you always take it to the next level, you love to over exaggerate shit."

"But real talk Honey, welcome home."Brandon flashed me a smile.

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