17: Dolly Thompson

Start from the beginning

When she got back to Nora she sat down on the floor. Nora giggled, "Why the blushed face?" Her friend teased. Dolly covered her face and shook her head, "Nora, stoooop." The ginger whined causing the pigtailed girl to giggle more.

A Year Later

Six Grade

Dolly entered the class in a gloomy mood she sat at her desk and laid her head on the desk. Nora noticed her friend's sad mood and asked, "Dolly, why so sad this morning?"

Dolly mumbled under her breath that Nora couldn't quite catch.


Dolly lifted her up her head to face her friend with a sorrow expression.

"I'll tell you at lunch."

Zack noticed the ginger girl's mood too which made him sad because him and her became good friends. He even introduced her to his group of friends, Marcellus, Ethan, Anthony and Elijah and they all seem to like her and looks at her as part of the group.

The teacher started class, so he'll have to wait to ask the girl what's wrong.


Zack, Anthony, and Nora watched as the gloomy played with her food avoiding their concerned eyes. They all looked at each other and back at her, "Uh, Dolly what's wrong?" Nora asked her best friend.

"Yeah, did someone do something to you because so tell me who?" Anthony said in a serious tone, and they saw a small smile tug on her lips.

"Hey, she smiled." Zack joked.

"Seriously, Dolly what happened I've never seen you this way before. Please tell me, tell us we're friends.  You told me that you'll tell me at lunch, and we are currently in the lunchroom." Nora spoke.

Dolly bit her bottom lip nervously, "I'm moving."

Their mouths dropped that is the last thing they expected her to say.




She got up from the table to throw away her lunch afterward she went to the bathroom. Nora got up and followed her after throwing away her own lunch. The boys stayed in their spots not talking, Zack lost his appetite and Anthony decided to make conversation with the person next to him as his friend stared blankly at nothing.

Before lunchtime finished Dolly and Nora came back to the lunch table and sat down. She glanced at Zack to see him already looking at her. 

"Why?" He asked her again.

She sighed, "My dad got fired from his job. He's been searching for a new job for a couple weeks now and he finally found one. But it's in California."

Zack heart was breaking he didn't want the girl that he had a crush on to leave. 

"Okay." He nodded.

Her eyes looked up at him surprised, "What?"

"Can't be helped your dad lost his job and now he found one, just in another state." He shrugged sadly, "Marcel, always said that things happen for a reason whether good or bad. Maybe we'll meet again one day." He said then bit into his apple.

Dolly, Anthony, and Nora stared at the boy who was just sulking a minute ago.

"Wow Zack, that's mature of you." Anthony told his curly black-haired friend.

"I'm not all jokes, Andy." Zack said rolling his eyes.

Dolly looked at each of her friends and tears welled up in her eyes, "I'll miss you guys so much." She cried. The Three looked at her frowning and all got up and hugged the girl.

"We'll miss you too." Nora cried.

"Especially Marcellus." Andy said causing all three to laugh.

Dolly's family are also Christian just Marcellus family and they treated each other like brother and sister. Dolly looked to Marcellus like a little brother so leaving will be hard but knowing him he'll be sad but he'll understand.

"When will you be leaving?" Zack asked.

"At the end of this year."

Zack grinned, "We'll still have time to hangout for a few more months."

They all smiled and nodded.

"Let's make the most of it."

"Oh! And Ethan can video us so can look back on it someday when we all see each other again." Anthony brought up since he knows Ethan has a talent for filming.

"You think we'll meet again in the future?" Nora asked brown hair boy.

"Yes." He smiled fully believing in what he said.

End of Flashback

Zackeriah is walking alongside the streets of California making his way to the public library. He wanted to be in a quiet place to study and the public library sounded like a nice place. The twenty-year-old sat down at the first available table he laid eyes on.

When he sat down, he put his bag in the seat next to him and took out his books. Before he could get any work done someone walked up to him.


 The college student looked up at the person and his eyes widened not expecting to see this person again. "D-Dolly?" He stuttered and she giggled at the shocked boy.

"Long time no see."












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