8: Meant For Each Other

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Picnic Day

The weekend has finally arrived it's been a long week for Marcellus and Francesca. Ever since they planned to have a picnic together on the weekend. Franny has been giddier then usual and since it's Saturday she doesn't have work or school. Marinette looks at her daughter dance around the house humming. The woman walks in the kitchen to see the young girl making something.

"Franny, what are you doing? You seem happier than usual, lately." Marinette asked her daughter walking to the counter to stand next to her. Franny finished preparing the food for the picnic and put everything in the basket. "On Monday Marcellus asked me if I wanted to have a picnic with him and we can get to know each other." Francesca told her mother.

Marinette laughed at how excited her daughter sound and nodded.

"Oh, that's why you've been happily humming around the house."

Francesca blushed, "I need to go so I won't be late." She softly smiled.

"Okay, have fun and be safe." 

"I will, you be safe too mama." Francesca before leaving the house and surprising Marcellus and one of his friends has already been waiting for her outside her house. Marcellus shouted outside the window, "Franny!"

Francesca looked at him surprised not knowing he was going to have her be picked up. 'That's why he wanted to know where she lived?' She thought. She got in the back seat of the car and smiled at the boy in the driver's seat. "Hello, my name is Francesca, but my nickname is Franny." 

"Hi, my names Zackeriah but my friends call me Zack. I'm this guy's best friend." He says pointing to the sixteen-year-old. "He's also our ride to our destination and back home." Marcellus said.

"Marcie, why didn't you tell me you were going to be picking me up or in this case have someone pick me up?" Zackeriah burst out laughing, "Marcee? Man, I haven't heard that name since we were like five- and seven-year-old."

"What?" Franny asked confused.

Marcellus looked in the rearview mirror at the girl, "Uh, that used to be my nickname during my childhood." He sheepishly told the girl he fancies. She giggled, "Well, I guess I'm bringing the name." She told him making Zackeriah laugh again.

Marcellus chuckled and three continued to their destination.

Zack came to a stop, "WE ARE HERE, SIR AND MISS." 

The two chuckled and got ready to get out of the car. "Thank you, Zack."

"No problem, bro I'll pick you two up later." 

"Thank you, Zack." Franny thanked the older boy. "Franny, I like you from now on we're friends... if you're okay with that?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Friends." 

He grins and waved bye to them and drove off leaving the two at the entrance of the garden. Francesca gasped, "Marcie, this is beautiful." Marcellus grinned at her, "I love nature, when I want to find a quiet place to spend time with God I would go out into nature." 

they walked into the garden area and found a place to set up the picnic blanket. "That's nice. I try and spend time with God every day."  She takes out the food and places everything on the blanket as Marcellus puts down the bag of snacks he brought.

He sat down beside but not to close. The two teens talked and watched the nature that surrounds them, so beautiful and wonderful sitting being surrounded by God's creation. Francesca pulled out a tea pot and two cups, "Do you want some tea?" 

"Yes, please." She smiled and poured him and herself some green tea. He took a sip and looked at the girl next to him. "Mm, I think I fell in love." He says seeing the sun hit her face making her brown skin glow and her brown eyes shine brighter.

Franny turned to the boy and smiled brightly, "Well, I'm sure we are meant for each other. I never felt this way before we anyone other boy and my mother has told me how she felt when she met my dad, but I don't know if they were meant for one another."

"Why would you say that?" He asked her frowning. 

"Um, well my dad passed away before I was born, and they haven't been together for that long before they had me." 

Marcellus thought for a second and then spoke, "Forgive me if I'm overstepping but can I ask how he passed?" He carefully asked.

"It's okay, my mom said he got very sick and didn't make it. But she also said that he was a believer, so I know he is with Jesus." She smiled as she told him about her father being a believer.

He smiled when she smiled as she talked.

"Well, I don't know if your father was the one for your mother, but I can imagine that they were happy together if... when did they get married?" He asked politely.

"When she was eighteen and he was twenty-five." She tells him sighing looking up at the sky.

"If they got married that quickly I can imagine that they loved he each other very much." He nodded at her and then ate one of the little sandwiches she made.

"They were in love." She told him grinning and picked up a sandwich too and the two ate together in peace and silence listening to everything going on around them.

"This picnic has been amazing Marcellus, thank you." Francesca says as her and Marcellus packed everything up. "I can say the same thing to you Franny since we planned this together and you made the food and brought us something to drink." He smiled. "I only brought the snacks."

"Yeah, but it was your idea." Francesca and Marcellus walked to the exit of the garden and sees Zackeriah car waiting for them.

"I'm happy you enjoyed it. I'm also thankful to God that I met you." He said making her giggle. He opened the back door for her, "Thank you sir." 

"You're welcome malady." He said then shut the door after she got inside and then he got inside the passenger side. Zackeriah chuckled, "Sounds like you two had a good time?"

"We did." They said at the same time.

Francesca walked inside her home after saying bye to the two boys. Marinette is sitting on the living room couch reading a book. The woman looked up and smiled at her daughter, "How was your picnic?"

"It... was... amazing!" The girl says dreamingly as she sat down next to her daughter.

"So, do you think he's the one?"

Francesca turned to look at her mother, "I'm positive."












God Bless You :)

Jesus Loves You!

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