17: Dolly Thompson

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The Thompsons moved into their new home yesterday, it's Monday and the daughter of the Thompson family is getting for her first day of school. Dolly is packing her bookbag for school, "Okay, I have my color pencil and markers, my colorful binders that mom picked out for me, normal boring pencils, what else?" She thinks by taping her chin with her finger.

Mr. Thompson laughed, "Maybe your lunchbox." He said holding up her pink lunchbox.

"Oh, right thanks dad." She gave her father a toothy grin taking her lunchbox from his hands.

"No problem, kid." He patted his daughter's head. "You'll bus will be here soon, best get going."

She put her stood up putting her school bag on, "I love you dad."

"Love you too. Your mother and I will be home when you return."

"Okay, love you mom!"

"Love you too sweetie!" She hears her mother yell from the kitchen. Dolly walked out the house and skipped down the street to her bus stop. She sees a yellow vehicle driving down the road where her stop is, she sees it slow down. 

Dolly skipping turned into a full on sprint and she was the last to get on from that bus stop. She looked around to see everyone staring at her. She sat down somewhere in the middle of the bus and scooted closer to the window.

"Everyone is Dolly Thompson, she is a transfer student, please treat her kindly." The teacher introduced her to the class. "Dolly, why don't you tell us something about yourself?" Dolly looked at the class who eyes are all on her. "Nice to meet all of you. I moved here with my parents from Kansas. My favorite color is pink, and I hope we can friends." She smiled and some of them smiled back.

"How about you sit next to Nora. Nora raised your hand please!" 

Dolly saw a girl with pigtails raised her hand and she walked over to the desk next hers and sat down. "Hi." She whispered.

"Hi." Nora mouthed back.

Two Days Later

It's recess and the class are having recess inside the classroom since it's raining outside. Dolly is sitting on the floor waiting for Nora to prepare the board game. She was seated crisscrossed her head turned to one of the boy's that she didn't really know. 

He wasn't here on the day she transferred but it was obvious that he was well known in the class and well liked. Curiosity got to the ten-year-old and she lifted herself up off the floor. She glanced at her friend to see her setting up the game still.

Dolly slowly walked up to the boy and peaked over his shoulder to see him writing something. "Zack, whatcha doing?"

"I'm writing a song." 

"Why?" She asked tilting her head making her bangs fall forward. "I was bored and felt like it." She saw him glance at her and then back at his paper. Before Dolly could say anything else her she heard Nora call her, "Dolly!" 

"When you're done can I hear it?"

"You'll be the first." He smiled.

She giggled and nod. 

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