Chapter 2

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Alastor was wandering around in the dark halls of the Hazbin Hotel, having his normal smile plastered on his face. He had stopped in front of Lucifers door, knocking on it and not getting a reply. So Alastor opened the door, looking in and seeing a curled up Lucifer on the ground, hugging himself. 

''Hmmm.... what a strange sight to see.'' Alastor said as he fully walked into the room, closing the door behind him as he walked toward Lucifer. 

Alastor bent down and lifted Lucifer face with his finger, seeing that dried up tears were stained on his face. Alastor furrowed his eyebrows, picking up Lucifer bridal style and laying him in bed, tucking him in. He leaned forward, as he pecked him on the forehead, smiling. 

''Good night my king, sleep well!~''Alastor turned around, leaving the room as he turned off the lights with a snap of his fingers.


Lucifer woke up, rubbing his eyes and stretching a bit before all the moments that happened last night between him and Lilith, flooded back into his mind. He sighed sadly, hugging a duck plushie he had and buried his face into it. Lucifer wasn't going to get up, not even to eat breakfast, he wasn't in the mood. 

That was until a knock came from his door. He heard a soft, cheery, voice from behind it.

''Hey dad! breakfast is ready!''

Lucifer didn't reply, just stayed quiet as he was in his own thoughts. He didn't purposely mean to ignore his char char. Lucifer loved and cared for his daughter a lot, but with everything that happened that night. He wasn't doing so well.....

Charlie who was outside her fathers door, was a bit confused as to why he didn't reply. She reached her hand out, opening the door and peaked her head in. 

''Dad? are you alright?'' Charlies had a worried tone in her voice as she looked at her father.

''I'm fine char char..''

''Alright.. Breakfast is ready whenever you want some.'' Charlie sounded a bit hesitant, not really believing what her father said. But she didn't want to push him. 

Lucifer hummed, letting Charlie know he heard her. 

Charlie sighed and closed the door, walking out into the hall way, and down the stairs.

''So.... I don't know if my dad will come down for breakfast or not. So please leave a bit of food for him, just in case. Please?'' Charlie asked everyone who was in the kitchen, already eating. 

''Yeah, sure thing toots! we can do that for ya. Right whiskers?~'' Angel dust elbowed husk gently, smirking.

''Yeah, Yeah, Whatever.'' Husk rolled his eyes in annoyance, pushing Angel Dusts arm away from him.

''Hm? what are we talking about if you don't mind me asking?'' Alastor walked into the kitchen, his smile still plastered on his face like always, leaning against the counter as he looked at Charlie.

''Alastor! we were just talking about leaving some spare food, for my dad. Since I'm not sure if he'll come down for breakfast or not. Since he did seem a bit.... off?'' 

''What do you mean by that dear?'' Alastor tilted his head.

''It means he isn't actin' like himself ya strawberry pimp. Are ya that stupid or what?'' Angel dust scoffed, butting into the conversation. 

''Angel Dust. Could you kindly stay out of this conversation?'' Alastor glared at Angel, his smile remained though.

''Tch, whateva''' Angel crossed his arms and walked out of the kitchen.

''So, as I was saying. What do you mean by he's acting off dear?''

''Earlier when i went to check up on him, he didn't talk much, his spirit wasn't up as usual. Y'know how happy he is all the time, yet he seemed so sad. It makes me worried.'' Charlie explained.

''Hmmm, I'm sure he'll be fine dear. He wont stayed cooped up in his room all day without food.'' 

''I guess you have a point. But.... what if he does? and ends up isolating himself, or even ends up starving himse-''

''Charlie.'' Alastor interrupted her, speaking sternly. ''You father will be fine. Don't worry. He's the king of hell, remember? he's got everything under control.''

''Yeah, sorry, your right. But, can i ask you for a small favor?''

''Of course Charlie dear! ask away.'' 

''Can you still check up on my dad anyways? please? i just need to be 100% sure.''

Alastor stood there, staring at Charlie with the smile of his. He was contemplating. Should he really go check up on Lucifer? or just leave him be, all cooped up inside his room?

''No. I'm afraid I'm much too busy to waste my time on some king.''

                                                ⌜✓⌟ ' ⪧ The end of Chapter 2! ⪦ '  ⌜✓⌟

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