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There is no greater ally, nor greater enemy, than the one who knows you inside out; who takes their time to admire your strength and manipulate your weaknesses. This dispossession of our energy and our nature creates in us a severe loss of confidence.


Santo Domingo

Hello my love,

I don't remember ever taking so much pleasure in reading a letter, not even once. Yet, I savored yours. This letter bears the mark of melodrama. It's not to mock you, but I feel like you would like your life to be darker than it is. You supposedly spoke frankly to me, so I believe I should do the same.

Marie-Ange, seated in this oppressive room, seemed absorbed by the letter she clenched between her fingers. Her face betrayed a mixture of emotions: teary eyes reflecting sadness, clenched lips expressing contained anger, and furrowed brows indicating confusion. Her slightly slouched shoulders testified to the emotional weight she carried. Occasionally, she let out a sigh, a sign of her distress at the letter's contents.

Marie-Ange wrestled with the complexity of her feelings, wondering if this man was her ex-boyfriend or her ex-best friend. Despite her efforts, she remained unable to put a name to this relationship that had deeply marked her existence. Emotional confusion was visible in her tormented gaze and in the perceptible hesitations in her movements.

Despite the ambiguities of their relationship, Marie-Ange was convinced that her friend had feelings for her at the time, even if he did not express them clearly. This certainty fueled the emotional whirlwind engulfing her, both reinforcing her confusion and her desire to understand what had truly existed between them. Her thoughts were haunted by memories of shared moments, oscillating between hope and disillusionment.

In high school, Max Dorsainvil and Marie-Ange César were inseparable companions. Their relationship transcended that of mere classmates; they frequently saw each other outside of classes. Max gradually integrated into Marie-Ange's family, while she also tried to adapt to his. Their complicity was evident, nourished by a closeness that seemed to go beyond friendship.

Despite the closeness they shared, the relationship between Max and Marie-Ange remained pure and innocent. They contented themselves with savoring the precious moments spent together, never crossing the boundary into a romantic or intimate relationship. Their respectful and complicit bond thus preserved the magic of their friendship without compromising its fundamental nature.

The teenagers spent hours in dialogue, absorbed by their deep and exciting exchanges. They were so captivated by each other that they did not perceive the passing of time, until the day came to an end, surprising them in their bubble of intimacy. Each conversation was an adventure in itself, where they discovered a little more about each other with every word exchanged, ignoring the temporal constraints surrounding them.

Their partings were always endless, as there always seemed to be one last detail to add, one last story to tell, one last burst of laughter to share. Each farewell was tinged with a certain melancholy, as they both knew they would miss each other as soon as they parted. So, they postponed the inevitable as much as possible, enjoying every precious moment spent together before having to say goodbye.

Their laughter echoed loudly, filling the air with their joyful complicity. They relished every moment spent together, fully appreciating the special connection they shared. Their relationship had bloomed slowly, but every moment spent getting to know each other and relaxing together had strengthened their bonds. They cherished these moments where they could simply be themselves, without pressure or expectation, savoring the purity of their friendship.

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