Chapter 5 ~ I'm staying if you like it or not

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I thought Addie was coming by to see Wy before she went home. But it was Ryder. I was surprised but I let him up. Of course I was in pajamas and had a cranky toddler on my hip. Ryder had a coat on with sweatpants. He came in and Wyatt talked to him. I warmed milk up because that helps her sleep. She got on my lap and fell asleep. I asked Ryder why he came over and he didn't tell me. I put Wy in her crib and sat on the couch. Ryder's dorm did do checks. I didn't want him in trouble. I was fine here alone with Wy. My phone kept going off and it was the one person I didn't want to ever hear, my ex. I felt my skin go pale. "Are you okay ?" Ryder asked. I told him I was but he knew I wasn't. I went to the kitchen and got water. Ryder followed me and raised his eyebrow. "Freckles, I know somethings up," Ryder said. I knew that he knew. I couldn't hide it from him. "Wy's dad wants custody of her. After what he did, I can't give him her" I told Ryder. He asked what my ex did. I poured us water and Ryder pinned me to the counter with his waist. He looked at me with those eyes that burned my soul. "When we were dating he got pissed if I saw anyone. He hit me or came home drunk. He'd kick me against the wall and tell me it was my fault. If I let him hurt Wy I don't know what I would do." I told Ryder and he looked at me. Like I hurt him. He kissed me and moved his lips down my jaw. He picked me up onto the counter and looked me in the eyes. "He's never going to hurt you or Wy. I promise that I'll protect you both" Ryder said. I hugged him. I rested my head on his shoulder. I asked him if he had to go. "Freckles I made the mistake of leaving the last time you needed me. I'm staying if you like it or not '' Ryder told me. I got off the counter and went to the couch. Ryder sat next to me and I turned the tv on. We watched a movie and he wrapped me in his arms. I finally found someone who was my other half. Addie was always there when I needed her. But it's nice to have someone who loves you in a different way than friends. I fell asleep on Ryder's shoulder and heard Wy cry. I went to her room and got her out of her crib. "Mama, is Ry still here ?" Wy asked and I told her yes. "He loves you mama, I like him" Wy said and I told her I did too. I checked Wy's level and they were good. I told her about Ryder and she fell asleep. I put her back in her crib and shut the door. I went back to Ryder and he was on his phone. He looked half asleep. "We're both tired. Do you wanna lay down ?" I asked Ryder and he told me he could stay out here. I didn't want him to. If I was alone I'd think about Wy's dad and I left my past behind a while ago. I can't relive that. So I looked at Ryder. "I thought you said you'd protect me ?" I told Ryder. He smirked and got up. He put his arm around my hip and we went to my room. He took his shirt off and I forgot how hot he was. We both got in bed and laid on my side. Ryder lifted me over to him and had me pressed against his chest. "I promised I'd protect you. Go to sleep freckles, it's late" He whispered and that's how I went to sleep. Curled up against Ryder is his arms. I slept the best I had in a while. Everything left my head. My alarm went off at 8:30. Ryder stretched and I got up. "Isn't there like early morning practice ?" I asked Ryder. He nodded and told me it starts at nine. He put his shirt on and I grabbed my glasses. I went to the kitchen and cooked french toast. "I have to go,if you need me call, '' Ryder said and I nodded. We kissed and he left. I locked the door and went to Wy's room. She got up and ran to the kitchen. I poured her juice and made coffee for myself. She asked where Ry was. I told her that he had to go practice at the arena. "I wanna see mama," Wy told me. "Alright princess if you want to go we can '' I told her and she smiled. I got Wy ready then I got ready. I grabbed Wy's bag and got a coat on her. We walked to the car and I hooked her in. I drove to the arena and Wy got on my hip. She found a seat and sat on my lap. I texted Coach Meyers that I brought Wy with me to watch practice. Then Wy poked my arm and asked where Ryder was. I told her he's two down. She pointed and I told her yes. She watched him play and seemed interested. Around ten, the boys all got off the ice. I went down to Coach Meyers with Wy and she ran to him. He hugged her and threw her up in the air. She laughed and Coach asked how I was. I told him I was good and Addie came in. "Hey could you take her for a sec" I asked Addie and she told me sure. Wy got on Addie's hip and they left. Coach Meyers asked me what was wrong. "Wy's father wants custody of her. But I can't have her hurt" I told Coach and he rubbed my shoulder. "Lynn he won't touch you or your daughter ever again. I'll have Amy look into it. If you need me to watch her, the boys wouldn't mind her." Coach said and I thanked him. We hugged and Wy ran over to me. I picked her up and Coach waved bye to her. Addie hugged her dad and I left with Wy. I went up the stairs and Ryder was on his phone. Wy ran up behind him and poked his leg. Ryder turned around and looked down at Wy. "Hey Wy did you watch me skate ?" Ryder asked and Wy shook her head yes. He looked at me and I walked over. We kissed and Wy looked at us. "She wanted to see you skate" I told Ryder and he looked down at Wy. She giggled and smiled at Ryder. Coach walked by us and waved at Wy. "I've got class, are you girls staying around ?" Ryder asked and I told him no. Wy got on my hip and Ryder walked us to the car. I hooked Wy in and Ryder kissed me. We hugged and I drove to my parents house. They live two hours away so Wy and I stopped for lunch. Then I drove a little over an hour and pulled into my parent's. My dad wanted me to move in but I needed my own life. They'd give me and Wy anything. I know that but I can't live with my parent's forever. Colgate's always been a home to me. I want Wy to have that. She loves Addie and Coach Meyers. "Mama, are we there yet ?" Wy asked and I told her yes. I unhooked her and she got on my hip. I went up to the side door and Mom opened. "My girls... how are you" Mom said. I told her I was okay and Wy hugged her gigi. Dad walked over and Wy ran to him. "G-pa" Wy said and Dad picked her up. I shut the door and Mom picked Wy up. "I'm going to her the new toy room, you two talk" Mom said and left with Y. Dad asked what was up. I sat on the couch and looked at him. "I started dating Ryder Osher but Wy's dad wants custody. I can't go through all that again, Dad" I told him and he rubbed my arm. I tried to not cry, I couldn't cry. But water filled my eyes. It ran down my face and I hugged Dad. He told me it was okay. "Listen kid, you're smart. I don't blame you for choosing no. Did you tell someone" Dad asked. I told him Coach Meyers's wife, Amy was helping. "Well then you've got nothing to worry about. That woman even scares me sometimes. I'm a call away kid anytime" Dad said and we hugged. Mom came up with Wy and she jumped in my lap. "How long are you staying ?" Mom asked and I told her we had to go at one. Mom went somewhere and Dad tickled Wy. She laughed hard and Mom came back. "Your aunt dropped off dinner for us last night. We had leftovers so how about we have a picnic" Mom said. I sat on the floor next to Wy. Mom and Dad sat across from us. I gave Wy food and got some for me. I had seasoned fries with salad, and grilled chicken. It was amazing and Mom poured apple cider. After lunch, Dad got Wy's stroller from my car. I hooked her in and we went for a walk. When we got up to the field, I unhooked Wy. Dad chased her and they ran off. "It's Hunter isn't it" Mom said and I told her yeah. "Amy told me she's taking care of it. So don't stress yourself out" Mom said and I nodded. Dad ran back with Wy and she got on my hip. We went back to my parent's house and they told Wyatt bye. I hugged Mom and she kissed my forehead. Dad hugged me and they waved as I drove away. Around three, I got home. I didn't stop at all because Wy was sleeping. I unhooked her and carried her inside. I set her in the crib and locked the door. I did research for work and Amy was calling me. I told her hi and she told me hi. "I looked into Hunter and he had drug issues a year back. Other than that there isn't a reason to keep him from getting custody. Does he know where you are ?" Amy asked and I told her no. "That's good. I contacted my office and they recommended talking with him somewhere in public. I'll go and pretend to be a customer" Amy said. I told her ok. She told me to contact her about the place and when. I hung up and couldn't focus. I shook my hands and wiggled my toes. I picked up my phone and texted Hunter.

Rory - Hey, I think we should talk before we decide anything

Hunter - I have no clue where you are

Rory - There's this coffee place near Colgate I could meet you at

Hunter - I'm twelve hours away

Rory - Tell me the day and time you want to meet

Hunter - Tomorrow 10;00 am, at where

Rory - Wilming Cafe, 495 West Red Ave

Hunter - I'll be there to "talk"

I had no clue what I was doing. My gut was poking me telling me this was a bad move. But if Amy was there I'd feel better. I'm not telling Ryder. If I told him he'd react in some way. The less I tell the better. When I need help I know who I have. I texted Amy about tomorrow and she called. "Hey, I'm going to be there at 9:45 and pretend like you don't me" Amy said and I told her ok. She hung up and someone beeped. It was Addie so I let her up. She came in and asked how I was. I told her I was good and she looked at me. "Something's up with you, Ro" Addie said. I couldn't lie to her. I told her about tomorrow and she pulled me into her arms. We hugged and I asked if she could watch Y. "She's my god daughter, you know I'll do anything for you" Addie said and we sat on the couch. We talked about a lot. She told me all the drama on campus and I told her about Ryder.

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