I went forward to give her a worthy smack but instead, she tripped me with her leg, making me fall on top of her. She immediately connected our faces with a kiss, making me forget all about my anger.

Her fingers slowly traced down my neck, shivering me due to her touch which travelled down further and near to my chest. I gasped as she stopped there, giving me stimulations, but before she could go any further, I stood up.

"We can't be doing this in the open," I said. "It's dangerous."

She grinned as she got up. "Oh, so are you scared my bird?"

I rolled my eyes and before I could've realised, I was being tickled painfully by Catherine. Oh how badly I wanted to run away from her grasp and the tickle which she kept giving, but her grip was tight and I couldn't help but laugh, tears streaming down my face.

"What's going on here?"

The two of us stopped as soon as we heard the French King approach us. He had a broad smile across his face and looked at me to Catherine for a response.

"Hi father, we're having some friendly fun," Catherine replied. "Afterall, this is the last day of her enjoyment in the palace gardens."

"True my dear," he patted her shoulder and looked at me. "It must be hard for you to marry, but like Jess, you will have to do it someday or the other."

"Father!" Catherine exclaimed, shoving away his arm away from her shoulder. "You know I won't be marrying."

King Louis rolled his eyes. "You'll have to eventually Cat. I'm sure you'll find someone for yourself sooner or later."

I smirked at his statement. Of course she had. Little did he know that it was me.

"Jess, word of my advice. Do not panick with the elaborate procedures for the wedding. I know it can get very overwhelming but-"

"Father!" Catherine intervened. "She's had enough of these talks with everyone over the past few days. Let her relax from that for today!"

King Louis sighed. "Alright, you two have fun. Catherine, if you need anything just let me know."

Catherine nodded as the King left. I gave a sigh of relief since he did not suspect anything between us other than friendship.

Slowly, but surely, the next day arrived. The palace was as usual, heated with workers and others working on and on for the next day's wedding. I smirked at how funny the situation was. All these efforts would go for nothing. I would escape today with Catherine and live a life in peace, the way I had always wanted.

However my distant relatives were keeping me engaged, not allowing me to have some time of my own. I was equally worried for if I could not escape today, then I was a lost cause.

"Jess, my dear!"

My maternal grandmother gave me a hug for the millionth time since she came to the palace and pecked my cheek. "You've grown into a beautiful young lady! I cannot believe that soon you'll be off with womanly duties."

I gave a fake smile. Or course I would do none of that, I was not going to follow certain customs by sacrificing my wishes. I wanted to fly, and I would fly, whether or not they tried to cut my wings.

"I remember the day your mother married," grandmother recollected. "She looked as beautiful as you do today. Wish she was alive to witness this auspicious day."

I sighed. Recollecting my mother's memory was the last thing on my mind. When I was little more than a toddler, she had passed away due to some unknown disease. It has been very difficult for me to accept but with the help of Mabel and Steve, I had been able to overcome my sorrow. My father however would always be busy with his duties as a king.

The door to my room opened and in entered Catherine. She smiled at me and gave a gentle bow to my grandmother.

"Greetings Your Majesty," she greeted grandmother, "myself Catherine, Princess of France."

"Oh-oh my sweetheart, there is no requirement of such formal introductions!" she patted Catherine's shoulder. "Me and your grandmother were childhood friends. It's a misfortune that she passed away a few years back."

That was a new information. Who would've guessed that our grandmothers were childhood friends?

"Apparently it's the unbreakable law of universe that anyone who comes must go someday," Catherine replied.

"Indeed my dear," grandmother sighed. "I wish she was here today among us. It would've been such an experience!"

Turning towards me, she said, "But you and Jess can make a history together. I would love to have the two of you as close to each other as I and Angela were."

With that she left the room, leaving us alone.

"When can we?' I asked immediately.

"Not anytime sooner," Catherine shook her head. "Guards are patrolling everywhere. We'll be caught in no time."

I sighed. This was not the way I wanted the day to end. Catherine stepped further and we shared a passionate kiss together. It was a moment of pure love that neither of us noticed when my father entered the room.

Word Count: 1479 Words

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