30. The Second Exam

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Jennie's Pov:

"Lisa!!" I shouted cuz she's really taking time to get ready.

"Unnie I'm coming just have to tie my hairs" She said and I sighed and after one-two minutes she came.

"You came" I said

"Ofcourse why wouldn't I? Let's go now" She said and we go to the ground, where everyone is.

"Where were you two?" Jisoo unnie asked

"Ask her" I pointed towards Lisa

"What? I was just doing my hairs okay" she said and flipped her ponytail

"Atleast you two are here" Rosé said and then Mr. Taeyang came

"So students your second exam is about your cooking skills" Mr. Taeyang announced and everyone one of us groaned except Jisoo unnie.

"We will give you a list of ingredients and you have to make a dish from them but you have to earn these ingredients from us, each teacher has the ingredients, the teachers will ask you some questions and you have to answer it and if your answer is correct, that ingredient will be yours but if your answer is wrong then you'll lose that ingredient, after collecting your ingredients you have to come to these tables and start making your dish, and another thing we'll give you points according to your place, the group who will make the dish quickly and tasty will get the first place and will get 50 points and the group who will make the dish in second place will get 30 points and the group who will make the dish in third place will get 10 points, we will be giving you marks for the exams by your points, so good luck!!" Teacher Taeyang explained and the teacher gave us the list of ingredients.

"Unnie how will we do it?" I asked

"You guys just have to help me, I'll do the cooking and you guys do the chopping okay" Jisoo unnie said and we nodded

"So what are you planning to make unnie?" Rosé asked

"I am thinking of Bulgogi" Jisoo unnie said

"Are the ingredients in the list?" Lisa asked and Jisoo unnie nodded

"So what do we need?" I asked

"We need Beef, Onions, Asian Pear, Sesame seeds, Green onion, Brown sugar, Soy sauce, Sesame oil, Ginger, Pepper, Oil, Mirin and Garlic" Jisoo unnie told us and marked the ingredients on the list.

"There's some stalls there, they have sign boards" Lisa said and pointed towards them

"Oh let's go where the beef stall is, I think most of the groups need that, so let's go before it's all finished" Rosé said and we nodded and go there.

"Hello Ms. Taeyeon" We greeted

"Oh girls here's your question, tell me the chemical formula of sugar" She asked and we groaned.

"Oh let's just think!" Jisoo unnie said and after some time of thinking Rosé talked.

"I think it's C¹² H²² O¹¹, is this correct ?Ms. Taeyeon?" Rosé asked and I crossed my fingers.

"Yes you're right, here's a piece of beef" She said and smiled at us and we happily smiled and took the beef.

"So we have beef, let's go and have onions" Jisoo unnie said and we nodded and go to that stall, and look what we met the BTS there but only the rap line was there.

"Hello Ms. Hwasa" We greeted pjr class teacher.

"Hello girls, so tell me the 7 scientific methods that scientists use" Ms. Hwasa asked and another tough question.

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