Grasping the Gauntlet

Start from the beginning

"Besides, it's not called the Gauntlet because it weeds out cadets." Sawyer says laughing at the whole situation.

"It's called the Gauntlet because this is the cliff that guards the Vale," Professor Emitterio says walking up behind us. "Plus, actual Gauntlets-armoured gloves made of metal,are slippery as hell, and the name stuck about twenty years ago." He cocks his brow at us. "Are the four of you done arguing? Because all ten of you have exactly an hour to get to the top before it's another squad's chance to practise, and from what I've seen of your agility on the mat, you're going to need every second. As you know, hand-to-hand challenges are on hold for the next two and a half weeks before Presentation so you can focus here."Professor Emetterio flips a page in his notebook and continues. "Sawyer, you're going to show them how it's done, since you already have a lay of the land. Then the rest of you can give it a go." A smile curves the line of his lips. "You're the only squad to remain intact since Parapet. That's incredible. Your squad leader must be very proud. Wait here for a second." He walks past us, waving at someone high up on the cliff. No doubt that someone has a watch.

"Aetos is especially proud of Sorengail." Tynan mocks.

"Look if you want to talk shit about me that's one thing, but leave Dain out of it." Violet scowls.

"Tynan-"Sawyer starts.

"Like it doesn't bother any of you that our squad leader is fucking one of us?" He throws up his hands.

That's fucking it.

I charge at Tynan and throw a punch at his jaw. He recoils and whips his hand up to cup his face.

"For fucks sake," Rhiannon mumbles. "They've been friends since they were kids,they're not sleeping together."

"Shit, but Barlowe said..." He bites past the pain.

"And that's your first mistake," Ridoc interjects. "Listening to that sadistic asshole is going to get you killed. And your lucky Aetos isn't here."

"Your second mistake was continuing to run your mouth after we held Saeri back the first time." Sawyer adds.

"It would be nice if we could get through this without any more punching happening." Emetterio says walking to the head of our line giving me what I think is an amused smile. "You'll get your time at the top of the course, if you make it, but remember, you'll still have nine practice sessions before we rank you for Presentation, which will determine if the dragons find you worthy at Threshing."

"Wouldn't it make more sense to let first-years start practising this thing right after Parapet?" Rhiannon asks. "You know to give us a little more time so we don't die?"

"No," Professor Emetterio responds. "The timing is part of the challenge. Any words of wisdom Sawyer?"

Sawyer blows out a breath, his gaze shifting to the course. "There are ropes every six feet that run from the top of the sheer cliffside to the bottom. So if you start to fall, reach out and grab a rope. It'll cost you thirty seconds, but death costs you more."

"I mean, there's perfectly good steps over there." Ridoc suggests and points to the steep staircase carved into the cliff beside the gauntlet.

"Stairs are for reaching the flight field on the top of the ridgeline after Presentation," Professor Emitterio smiles sarcastically at Ridoc. "Every one of the five ascents on this course is designed to mimic the challenges you'll face in battle."He says turning towards us."From the balance you must keep on the back of your dragon, to the strength you'll need to hold your seat during manoeuvres, to the stamina you'll need to fight on the ground, then still be able to mount your dragon at a second's notice" He gestures to the wall in front of us.

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