The Akatsuki.

Y/n jumps down the tree as he turns to Moegi

Y/n: Come with me

Moegi: Okay...

Moegi and Y/n walk towards where Udon and Konohamaru are

Y/n: How are you in terms of your jutsu?

Udon: Getting there...but...

Konohamaru: We haven't fully mastered it yet

Y/n: You are going to. The Akatsuki is here and I have to take them down

Konohamaru: You mean T-the Akatsuki!? As in the criminal organisation!?

Moegi: We are not strong enough

Y/n: I am.

Y/n: I just need you guys to be there, and if they do try to fight you then you have to fight.

Udon: O-okay..

Y/n: Let's go.

Y/n walks with Moegi, Konohamaru and Udon as they make their way to the centre of the village

Y/n: Tell the villagers the Akatsuki has come so that they can evacuate

Konohamaru: Okay!

The three of them run off to warn the villagers as Y/n lies in wait

Kurama: Do you think that they will be strong?

Y/n: Probably. I can sense one of them.

Kurama: We can take them on anyway.

Hidan: Weee!! It seems that we have found Y/n Uzumaki!

Kakuzu: The calamity curse.

Hidan: I'll take him down!

Hidan grabs his scythe as he jumps at Y/n but Y/n blocks it calmly

Hidan: It seems that he is strong!

Kakuzu: Of course he is you donut.

Y/n does a spin kick and kicks Hidan crashing into a house

Y/n: You guys are not taking me down

Kakuzu looks at Y/n

Kakuzu: Earth Release: Earth Spear

Y/n dashes at Kakuzu as Kakuzu hardens his body to try and not get massively taken down S Y/n looks at Kakuzu

Y/n: Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique

Y/n creates a fist just like Sakura as he decks Kakuzu into a row of houses

Y/n: Let's finish off the job

Y/n: Lighting Cutter

Y/n throws lighting at Kakuzu as it pierces him right in the heart

Y/n: Too easy.

It turned out that Kakuzu wasn't dead as he takes off his robe to get serious

It turned out that Kakuzu wasn't dead as he takes off his robe to get serious

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Y/n: What the...?

Kakazu decides to send all of his masks to Y/n as Y/n is able to take one down

Y/n: One down. Three more to go.

Hidan: Don't count me out just yet!

Y/n turns and sees Hidan who had his scythe

Kakuzu: Wind Release: Pressure Damage

Y/n turns and sees that one of Kakuzu's masks was preparing a attack

Y/n: Shoot.

Y/n blocks Hidan as he grabs a marked kunai and throws it. The mask launches its attack as it causes a massive explosion that hits Hidan and decimates the area

Kakuzu: I must have got him.

Y/n: Well I don't think so.

Y/n blitzes towards Kakuzu and slashes one of the masks

Y/n: Two down. Two more to go

Kakuzu smiles

Kakuzu: Let's see how strong you really are. Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work

One of the masks shoots fire towards the ground as it causes the ground to explode

Y/n: Tch.

Y/n weaves hand signs

Y/n: Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique

Y/n takes a big breath in as he shoots it towards the ground as he tries to clash with the fire Jutsu  to which he does

Y/n: Let's go.

Thanks for reading!

The Prodigy (Naruto Shippuden x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora