Chapter 24: A quick celebration

Start from the beginning

"Should be here any minute, Dib-stink." The alien explained with an almost calm voice as if trying to reassure Dib.

"I sure hope so!" Dib said, with a little less panic, with the knowledge that Zim had something in mind. Even if he had no idea of what that was. Whether it would actually work was a coin toss, but at least they wouldn't be shot to pieces. Dib never did like the idea of death by bullets. Instead, as he looked down on the coming ground, he could look forward to being smashed against the surface and turning into a horrifying meat pancake. Though he for once appreciated the ridiculous height of the building, as their fall while quick, still had a while to go.

They waited for a few moments, the lights from below becoming clearer by the second. Soon Dib could even see the small outline of people walking below. But just as he was about to ask again if Zim actually had a plan and not just winging it, something caught his eye. A familiar purple vessel flying through the air quickly gained momentum, as it turned toward the two and made its way over to their position.

"The ship? THE SHIP! Zim, you're a genius!" Dib yelled to Zim, not really thinking about what he said. But the alien was rather satisfied upon hearing the human's reaction and gave him a smug smile.

"See? Told you Zim got it."

"Yeah, but, isn't it flying a little too-"

Poor Dib didn't have time to finish his sentence before their salvation flew right into them. His face smashed against the glass and he was pretty sure he broke a tooth. Since no sound came from Zim, he was pretty sure the same had happened to him. Which did make him feel slightly better about it.

Back on top of the building, the snipers looked with disbelief as the ship carried the two away.

"Umm...Watchman...they're flying away." Explained the leader, who had gotten on the phone, ready to announce once the two had hit the ground.

"F-FLYING AWAY?! HOW?! ARGH, Micky, call the choppers, I want them shot down!" Yelled Watchman at his assistant, who back on his end stood flabbergasted for a moment before reacting.

Michael consoled his walkie-talkie and quickly came in contact what the helicopter pilots. But as their voices came through, a horrified expression took over his face. With sweat filling his face, he slowly turned to his boss.

"There seems to be a...problem-"


"...The helicopters are currently rotating shifts, so-"

"GODDAMMIT!" Scream Watchman before slamming his hands down on his desk.

Meanwhile, Dib and Zim were trying their best to climb from the glass down into the cockpit. It wasn't easy, but they did manage it eventually. Which then led to a minor scuffle for who would sit in the front seat. One that Zim managed to win, by cheating, at least according to Dib.

With the ship ready, they quickly flew away from the area, leaving the building behind. After making enough distance, they landed on a cliff overlooking the city. Climbing out, they walked over to the edge and surveyed the black horizon. It didn't take long for them to recognize the tower, as the air around it was filled with several helicopters, frantically flying around. It was quite the spectacle to watch.

It was then that reality finally dawned on Dib. The long night was over, and they had won. The technology was in their possession, and maybe a little more importantly, they were in one piece. The realization slowly became stronger, making Dib's head feel light. Once it reached its peak, he couldn't help but laugh. Zim looked over at him with an expression, as if he was looking at a madman.

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