Chapter Four

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             Seraphina's POV

"I see," his wheelchair-bound grandma said. "You've gotten married. A bride is a bride, son."

I expected Bianca to protest or for Giovanni himself to counter his grandmother's words, but no, he stood still, digging his teeth into his lips. I could tell there was much more to this mix-up than a mere coincidence.

"Don't worry, son. It will be a peaceful resolve," his grandmother soothed.

"Come, my son," she told him.

He went over to her and knelt to reach her height. She patted his back. "It will be a peaceful resolve," she said again before gesturing weakly for me to come.

The atmosphere became a little more welcoming. If his grandmother, whom I suspected he had so much respect for, gave her approval, then I need not worry. At least I would get to know my new family.

I looked over at Bianca, whose tears had smudged her makeup. She glared at me with pure resentment, but I couldn't care less.

It serves her right, it serves her devilish father right. I doubted her father had any clue that his precious daughter, Bianca, was running off to get married. If only he knew I accidentally married his daughter's groom—the same marriage he pushed me into—he would dread and loathe me even more.

It was over now, over for him, over for her, over for them. Now it was my time to strike back.

I wasn't sure why she was crying. Did the marriage mean that much to her? Or was she just putting on an act? Besides, what held her back from appearing at the wedding venue? Why did no one in the Bells family, including her parents, know she was getting married?

I went over and knelt, imitating Giovanni's posture.

"Welcome to his life," his grandmother said, patting my back, just as she did for her grandson.

My eyes met Giovanni's worried hazel eyes, and I could immediately feel the respect he had for his grandmother. At least he had some modesty left inside him.

Another car came to an aggressive halt, almost in front of the large open living room.

I didn't need to be told; I immediately knew it was Giovanni's scary father who had just arrived.

A fake migraine made its way to my head, coupled with a burning fever. I held two fingers to my temple, attempting to move, but my muscles felt too weak to comply.

"Are you alright, miss?" A voice I hadn't heard since I entered the mansion asked.

I shook my head, a sharp pain shooting through it. Everything was starting to spin around as I waited for those words to finally drop.

"Show her to her room," Giovanni's voice rang out, bringing a sense of satisfaction.

I didn't want to encounter his scary-looking father, so I put on an act.

The unknown lady in uniform did as he ordered. She held me as we ascended three long stairs before finally arriving at my supposed room.

I was too fatigued to register the routes we had taken. I would probably find my way around later. Right now, I needed absolute rest. No Seraphina this, no Seraphina that.

"Will you be okay?" the concerned lady asked me, to which I nodded before waiting for her to shut the door.

Less than an hour in, and I had already begun to play pretend?

Just like the outside, the bedroom was large and adorned in white. Ayden's whole apartment could fit into this room, and there would still be spaces begging to be occupied.

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