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"There's a girl who likes you." It all happens so suddenly, one moment Oikawa is talking to Iwaizumi and another, a girl's voice is sounding over his friend's opened lips. Oikawa's brows furrow before he turns to the source behind him, hoping to calm his mind before he says something he'll regret. He's already had to deal with too many fans. "Sorry-" "There's a girl in our grade, she likes you, and you'd like her too, but you have to give her a chance." Oikawa takes a second to admire the girl's features, h/c hair out of her face, tiny dots of acne on her cheeks, almost identical on each side, and her uniform is just slightly longer than he's used to, skirt reaching past her knees and sleeves reaching past her hands. She looks unkempt, but he lets it slides for her words to pass through his head.

Oikawa's always known himself better than anyone else, not in the typical sense of his favorite color perse, but Oikawa knows what to do to get someone to like him, it's never not worked, unless Mad Dog is nearby. Regardless, Oikawa knows Iwaizumi cares for him even if he shows it in punches, and Oikawa knows what makes his team function, even if it means he loses sleep over it, his childhood. "I understand, thank you..." He waits for a name, and she gives it to him after a moment of his eyes on hers wholly. "Shio." His eyebrows raise at the unknown surname, still taking it in as he repeats, in question, "Shio?" She doesn't make any indication if he heard her wrong, so he inhales, forcing his lips to curl in a contrived smile as he tries to reply, "Well, Shio-chan, I am fairly busy with volleyball, so I'm not looking to date anyone-" "She hates chocolate, but loves caramel. Call her by her first name, Ema, and if she asks, tell her you like mindless walking, like late at night or early in the morning or when people are all around and it's not the best to walk. You'd do it for her."

It's getting harder to compose himself with her insolent behavior. It's like she doesn't think he's been through life, like she knows best and he's just... not an adult. "Shio, I understand-" "Don't say it like that." There's something in her voice, the tiniest hint of a lilt that he can barely hear. Then he realizes, she's enjoying this. He's glad she says something so he can go back to his friend, even though her words entice slight intrigue. Slight. "I need to get going, but she'll be at practice." She pauses, eyes flickering between his before she says, sincerely, "Please don't hurt her." Then, she's gone before Oikawa can respond. He inhales deeply, moving his fingers to his temple and turning back to Iwaizumi. "I think it's getting worse-" "Your fan club? Yeah, I can tell." He whines slightly. "Be nice-" "I am, but we do have practice to get to. Deal with it there." Oikawa mimics him lightly, receiving a hit to his shoulder before he closes his locker. "Rude!"

Practice doesn't start until they're done warming up. Oikawa doesn't even consider warming up a part of their practice, but this time, it really isn't. The coach stands in front of them, finally informing them of the match that's about to occur. What's about to occur should be considered something to help with their skills, but like always, Oikawa can't consider it that. "I was talking with the coach of the girls' team, and we both thought a practice match should be scheduled. She said the girls recently got a transfer student, and that her skills were extraordinary." The coach sighs, looking around for any indication of refusal. "I know it's late to tell you all who we're practicing with, but I felt it would be a good surprise to end the week with." He nods his head in affirmation of his words, and it almost seems like that was enough affirmation for the door too, opening at the announcement.

There are more third and second years than firsts, but the team itself seems fairly good. Oikawa notices the setter glance at him every once in a while, but besides that, there's nothing really extraordinary about them. That is, until the third set. It's a tie breaker, one that will actually determine who wins and who loses, and it's very close. One point away from each wining, and Oikawa just has to set- "Y/n!" The door opens again, the door heavy and sliding, grating against the floor- Why is it grating now? It didn't grate when anyone else opened it, but somehow it grates when she opens it- And why is she here? Is she the extraordinary transfer coach was talking about- "Oikawa!" The ball drops, and it makes her freeze in the doorway. She must've stood there for so long, been gauging the reaction of her return- She's not welcome. At least, not with Oikawa. "The door-" "Don't blame it on the door!" He'd bite back if there wasn't another voice interrupting him. Why does she keep interrupting him? "No, it was my fault." She's not by the door anymore, she's holding a water bottle and standing where the coaches stand. "Ema?" She's not looking at him either, she's staring across the net, that name so familiar on her tongue. "We should play fair," Is all he hears before the ball is back in his hands, and he's staring at Ema too. "One more round."

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