*chapter 5.~ to new york we go!

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I had my bag completely packed. Today was the day the cast would fly to New York. I was kind of scared. My first movie, after all.

The airport was a two hour drive. We all chose seats near each other. Me and Walker were beside each other.

We hadn't seen each other in person since the.. date. Im almost sure we both knew what it was, I just didn't acknowledge it. We had spoken on text a few times, but mostly things about the movie. The one thing neither of us wanted to talk about was the date. It was the first thing on my mind, and the last at the same time.

I still had no idea what my feelings were towards Walker. Did I like him? Did I not? A lot of ideas have been taunting me the past week.

When I got to the airport, I said goodbye to my mom, before walking in.

It stinks in here, I thought to myself.

The smell of all the people, coming and going, was enough to put me into a comatose.

After going through all the security checkpoints, I tried finding the terminal. After a few minutes, I realized something.

I had no idea where I was, or where to go.

I had never been to an airport. All the roles I had before were mostly near me, or my mom drove me. This was also my first time flying.

I quickly called the first person I thought of calling. Walker.

He picked up the phone fast. "Y/N?"

"Where is the terminal? I have no idea where I am."

"Hold on, stay there. What are you near?"

I looked around. There was a Starbucks to my left.

"I'm near a Starbucks."

It was quiet on his end, followed by a sigh. "You're on the other side of the airport."

"Can you please come get me? I don't have a clue what I'm doing."

He let out another sigh, this time sympathetic. "Meet me at the middle." He hung up after.

I knew where the middle was. I walked my ass over there, to find Walker in the middle.

He looked good. I mean, not like he didn't usually, but today was different. I don't know why.

I went over to him and tapped on his shoulder. He jumped a little, before turning around.

"Well there you are." He said, in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes and followed him when started walking.

When we got to the terminal, the rest of the cast was there. I greeted them, and we all sat down. We still had around 30 minutes.

"Guys, this is so boringgggg." Lexy exclaimed, as she rolled back in her chair in annoyance.

"I know." Walker did the same, more dramatic.

"Do you guys wanna play uno?" Julia suggested, pulling out her phone.

I made the group chat with all of us, and we began to play.

After many rounds of uno, it was a tie breaker: Me and Walker both had 3 wins. We had to board the in a few minutes, so this was the last round.

The game was very suspenseful. In the end, Walker won.

"LETS GOOOOO!" He said. It seemed like everybody in a five mile radius was staring at him. He sat down in shame not long after.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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