*chapter 4.~ awkward

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I realized that this was basically the furthest thing from a hangout. If you were to put together every cliche about a date together; you have ours. Not that its a date or anything. I think.

{~walker's POV~}

A DATE??? Why would I say that?? Am I stupid? My heart started racing at probably a kajillion miles an hour. Y/N looked nervous too. I shouldn't have said anything. That was the second time I've done something questionable today.

Y/N tripped over his words. "I.. I mean... its... like kind of.. a date?"

My heart sank for some reason. I truly didn't expect him to agree with me. "Okay then, a date it is." The only thing I could think to say in that situation.

I didn't want to rush anything. I mean, we had just met, like yesterday.

The rest of the time spent at the ice cream store was very awkward. I didn't know what to say to him. I mean, there was a lot I could be saying, like how the twinkle in his eyes shines directly into mine, how his beautiful y/h/c hair perfectly fell into place anytime he moved, how his lips looked as soft as cloth..

Im getting ahead of myself.

Y/N had finished his ice cream, when my dad messaged me, telling me he was about to arrive.

"W-well my dad's here. See you soon?"

"Yeah, see you soon."

As i watched him out the window, I couldn't help but smile

{~Y/N's pov~}

I waited until he was in his dad's car to start walking. I saw him staring at me, but I acted like I didn't. That was the most awkward interaction I've ever had. I mean, I wasn't complaining, I did kind of have a crush on him, but it was out of nowhere.

My mom greeted me as I walked into the house. "Well, good to see you Y/N! Have fun with that boy?"

"Yeah, we had fun." I kind of lied. I had fun, I really did. There was just something lingering in my mind.

(short part ik but its just to hold yall off)

{~word count: 353~}

' more than just costars.. '   walker scobell x male reader Where stories live. Discover now