*chapter 1.~ the meeting

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As I woke up from my sleep, I yawned and began to stretch. I would turn over, grasping onto my phone to check the time. 7:00AM on the dot. Sighing, I would roll out of bed and throw on a simple outfit. I walked over to my kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. My mom followed not too far behind. "Morning y/n. You ready to meet the cast today?"

"Yeah, just a little scared. I was casted for this Netflix horror movie named Sewer. Its based off this book I read back in middle school. Its about 4 friends who, after getting lost in their local woods, find a network of abandoned sewers under their town. Its pretty good, I read it a lot. I'm a big horror buff, always have been.

"Well," My mom patted my back, "I'm sure they wont be rude or anything. What's the worst they could say?"

Walker Scobell just walked into the room. My heart was pounding. Walker Scobell has been my celebrity crush since I first watched The Adam Project. We're the same age—I'm a month younger than him. He saw me staring at him. Shit. I promptly looked away. I feel him walking up to me.

"Hey, I'm Walker. You?" He reached out to me to shake my hand.

"Hi Walker! Im y/n l/n." I was trying my hardest not to be a fan, but I was literally screaming inside. My heart was racing, and my cheeks were on fire. I stood up and shook his hand.

"Well, It's good to meet you y/n." He smiled. He smiled at me. Walker Scobell smiled at me. I could have died right there. I'm surprised I didn't.

"Nice to meet you too, Walker" I smiled back at him, hoping I was acting casual enough.

Me and Walker began to walk to the main office. Beforehand, we were in the waiting room. "So.. is this your first role? Ive never heard your name before."

I would laugh. "My first major role. I had some small roles here and there."

Walker laughed aswell. "I'm sure you're a great actor. I can already tell your gonna be good."

I was basically dying at this point. It was still mind blowing that he was even casted. "Why thank you kind sir!" I sputtered out a pretty shitty "joke". Did I mess it up?

Its okay, he laughed at my pity attempt at comedy. "Hey, I try my best. That joke was pretty bad by the way."

"I know, I know. Im not the funniest of people when I'm nervous." I thought this was a good thing to say. Boy was I wrong.

"Your nervous? Why?" This was the question I dreaded. Why would I say I was nervous?? Thats so suspicious!

"W-well, I just get nervous during cast meets. Alot of people, y'know?" I tried to save myself, but I don't think it did me much justice.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. Im a little nervous too, just try not to be embarrassing."

I was still worried, but hearing reassurance from Walker made me feel a little better. "Thank you again."

"No problem, anyday." He looked me in the eyes and smiled at me.

We met the rest of the cast. Lexy Kolker was casted as Lia. Shes really nice, and shes stunning. Same goes for Julia Butters. Shes playing Noella, my favorite character. Although, that may change now that I know my celebrity crush was casted in the same movie as me.

So does that mean.. he isn't a celebrity crush anymore?

I shook that out of my brain as we talked to each other, mostly about what we do off set. We all found we're fond of some of the same things. Overall, my nervousness washed away pretty fast.


I had just got home, and I flopped into bed. It was a long day of work. I stared out the window. The sun was just starting to set, and it was actually very pretty. It had a purple-ish tint, something not so common in Pennsylvania. As I was lost in the horizon, I got a message on my phone. It was from Walker? Why was he messaging me at 8PM?

{~word count: 717~}

' more than just costars.. '   walker scobell x male reader Where stories live. Discover now