Anton's Attempt

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   Yesterday's Events were quite a surprise for the whole world, since Etienne had recently broken a new speed record. He and CC-7107 were celebrated all over the country, as well as the sheds where the engines planned a hero's welcome to the French Electric.

   That night. Etienne arrived at the sheds feeling very tired. The engines gave the celebrant a warm welcome with their horns and whistles.
   "There he is! Let's give him a warm round of merry whistles and horns!" Virginie said, as she saw Etienne crawl into the shed.
   "Vive la France! Vive la France!" They all cheered as they blow their horns and whistles.
   Etienne was taken aback from the many praise the engines give him.
   "Oh please, you don't have to."
   "We couldn't believe that you actually did it!" Paul said with a merry expression.
   "How did you do it?" Marie said.
   "Will you replace those out-of-date tin cans in the future?" Bleated out Jean Bart.
   "Please, please. One at a time. I need a rest."
   Etienne reversed into his berth and started answering Marie's question.
   "So, umm... Marie, is it?"
   "What was your question again?"
   "I was asking you on how did you achieve such high speeds."
   "Oh." Etienne chuckled. "I pushed my limit and gave them my best shot to travel such high speeds. I nearly wore myself out from all that friction my wheels had endured, and the many sparks that were flying out from my pantograph."
   The engines were all surprised, but there was one who slunked into the shed feeling all burned out.

   Anton entered the shed slowly and out of breath and had returned from his duties in goods work. He overheard the conversation but just reversed into his berth. The engines were merrily talking about Etienne's record, then Virginie saw Anton.
   "Anton, haven't you gave Etienne a hero's welcome?"
   "Huh?" Anton answered tiringly.
   "Etienne. He's broken a new speed record a while ago. You should give him a hero's welcome."
   "What?" Anton said as his mood changed.
   "Yes, Anton. Etienne has broken a new speed record." Juliette said. "You should congratulate him."
   "Speed record? How fast did he go?" Anton asked.
   "He travelled over 331 Kilometers per hour, and he had already beaten CC-7107's record. Isn't that a historic feat?" Georges answered.
   The big engine now felt very jealous after hearing Etienne's attained speed. His face went from shocked to angry in a matter of moments.

   "Oh dear. OH DEAR. Why cannot I reach top speeds like this!"
   "You're a steam engine, Anton. You know you cannot reach very high speeds." Georges said.
   "I don't care!" Anton fumed. "I do not give a dime about what you have said. If I wanted to go faster, then I WILL go faster."
   "You'll blow yourself to bits, Anton." Etienne said.
   "I WON'T, YOU ELECTRIC CUCUMBER. I WILL reach higher speeds than you, just you wait and see."
   Anton's breakdown made Etienne feel depressed. He then started to shed a tear after the big engine's hurtful remarks. Many of the engines started to pity him.
   "Just don't listen to him, Etienne. He's just jealous." Virginie said.
   "I am NOT Jealous, I am stating the facts that I can beat him."
   "Shut up, you bucket of bolts. You'll just rip yourself into pieces." Jean Bart retorted. "If you do this attempt, then I am sure that you'll get a free ticket to the scrapyard."
   Everyone started comforting Etienne while Anton fell asleep.

   The next morning, the engines were woken up by their drivers. Monsieur Pierre arrived with some important news.
   "Good Morning, everyone."
   "Good Morning, Monsieur Pierre." The engines said in unison, except for Anton - who was still asleep.
   Virginie woke him up with a loud whistle, then the big engine woke up surprised.
   "AHH! What was that? Is it an Air Raid?"
   "No, silly. Monsieur Pierre's come to see us."
   Monsieur Pierre turned to Virginie and thanked her.
   "Thank you, Virginie." He then turned his head to the rest.
   "As you can see, today is a very important day. The Railway Board will be visiting us and will evaluate each and every one of you based on your performance. A random member will be on your train and they will grade you with their following criteria."
   Anton didn't listen and fell asleep again.
   "Everyone will go back to their regular jobs and will be in their best behavior." Monsieur Pierre said, then turned to Anton.
   "AAH! What is it?"
   "Express train for you as usual, now go to Bordeaux Station and Make Haste. Marie will arrange your coaches for you."
   "Mon dieu. Couldn't I get a rest?" Anton yawned as he puffed away with Marie.
   "Virginie, Paul. You two are to pull a very heavy goods train from Bordeaux to Irun, so it's going to be a very long journey; because the line reaches to Spain, so good luck."
   "Sacrébleu!" Virginie exclaimed. "Why does it have to be me who pulls the heaviest of trains. Could we not get new locomotives like Etienne?"
   "I wish, but the railway's too busy, so I put you and Paul to pull the Spanish Goods Train." Monsieur Pierre said.
   "At least this job isn't as hard as travelling to Istanbul pulling the Orient Express." Paul said. "The worst part about it is the snowdrifts that delay the train. I could just sit there and expect a murder to happen."

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