II.VII Professor Tonks

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The classroom fell silent, the tension palpable. Professor Tonks's expression, however, remained calm and unbothered. She walked slowly towards Draco and Pansy, her gaze steady and authoritative.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Parkinson," she began, her voice firm but not unkind. "I am not Professor Snape and Mr. Malfoy you can ask my sister who just so happens to be your mother, I have no tolerance for insubordination, I am also your head of house and I will not tolerate what Professor Snape tolerated in Slytherin in the past, you will both get one-hundred points from Slytherin."

The entire classroom seemed to hold its breath at Professor Tonks's declaration. The removal of points, especially in such a significant amount, was a rare and serious punishment, one that underscored the gravity of the situation.

Draco and Pansy exchanged glances, their earlier arrogance evaporating in the face of such unexpected discipline. Slowly, with evident reluctance, they began to comply, tying back their hair and placing the hairnets over their heads. The rest of the class watched in silent approval, a newfound respect for their new professor evident in their attentive postures and quiet demeanour.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy, Miss Parkinson. Now, as I was saying," Professor Tonks continued, turning back to the rest of the class as if the incident had been a minor interruption. "Safety in potion-making is paramount. The precautions we take are not about pedigree or blood status; they are about ensuring that every one of you leaves this classroom in the same condition you entered it—if not a little wiser. Any questions?"

Her question was met with a respectful silence, the students were thoroughly cowed by her display of authority and fairness. Not a single hand was raised, a testament to the clarity of her instructions and the seriousness with which the students now regarded her.

"Very well," Professor Tonks said, a slight smile breaking through her stern demeanour. "Raise your hand if you have a Pewter Cauldron?"

As hands shot up around the room, Professor Tonks made her way through the rows, noting the types of cauldrons her students had brought with them. Her eyes were keen, missing no detail, as she offered advice and insights on how the material of a cauldron could affect potion quality. The focus on such practical details reinforced the importance of every aspect of potion-making, from the theoretical to the seemingly mundane.

"I suspected as much," she remarked, after a quick survey of the cauldrons. "Pewter cauldrons contain lead, which is poisonous if it leaks into your potion. Lead can turn a Wiggenweld Potion into a lethal poison effective immediately I will be given extra credit for those who replace your Cauldron with Cast Iron, next year Pewter Cauldrons will be banned from entering this classroom and I will be expecting everyone to have a Cast Iron Cauldron. does everyone understand?"

The students nodded, some looking concerned as they glanced down at their pewter cauldrons, realizing the potential dangers they hadn't considered before. Harry, Daphne, Susan, and Hannah shared a look of surprise, appreciating the level of detail and care Professor Tonks was putting into their safety and education.

"Yes, Professor Tonks," the class chorused in unison, their voices reflecting a mix of respect and a newfound understanding of the seriousness of potion-making.

"Excellent," Professor Tonks replied, her stern facade softening slightly with satisfaction. "Next on the Agenda, whenever I am having a practical lesson in front of your desk will be safety goggles, dragonhide gloves, and a lab coat, you will be wearing them as you brew your potions. Now can someone tell me what is the best way to prevent accidents while brewing a potion?"

Hermione Granger's hand shot up, her eagerness undiminished by the new professor's strictness. "Yes, Miss Granger?" Professor Tonks acknowledged her.

"Preparation and organization, Professor," Hermione answered confidently. "Ensuring that you have all your ingredients measured and laid out before you start, knowing the steps of the potion by heart, and keeping your work area clean and free of unnecessary items can prevent many accidents."

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