"This is good coffee," Declan commented between sips.

"Uh, thanks?" I answered awkwardly.

"Right." He said, handing me the now empty mug. "You go back to work tomorrow so we have some stuff to go over."

Declan's tone was rough as he spoke. It seemed that even the mention of my Uncle was enough to make his anger rise. His hand reached out until his fingers wrapped around my forearm and tugged me towards him. My heart thudded inside my chest as the heat from his touch spread up my arm.

Declan pulled me out of my room to the small dinner table that was situated opposite of the kitchen. He pulled out one of the dark wood chairs that was tucked in and moved my body so that it was in front of the seat. Putting his hand on my shoulder he applied some pressure, a silent command for me to take a seat.

I sat down and watched him go into the kitchen to pour himself his own cup of coffee as well as filled my own and then returned, taking up the other seat opposite of me. His hazel eyes met mine, holding me captive in his gaze while he slowly brought the cup up to his lips. I hated how he could cause my stomach to flutter from just looking at me.

"Well?" I asked impatiently, trying to break the awkward feeling between us. The attitude in my voice earned me a glare.

His fingers were laced together around the black mug while his thumbs traced invisible circles on the smooth surface. "I need to know how they're getting the drugs. Are they shipping it here from a supplier in Europe or is the supplier here."

"Sure, that shouldn't be too awkward of a conversation to have with Mike." I scoffed. I had a bad habit of being overly sarcastic when I was uncomfortable.

Declan's face turned down in a scowl while he glared at me from across the table. "Please keep in mind that I don't need you. You're just more convenient than trying to go through Alex." Slumping back into the chair, I was again reminded of my place in all of this.

"This drug is a big problem. My syndicate is in charge of keeping the people in our community safe and since this shit hit the streets it's been bad. I'm sure you've seen it all over the news. All those people hunched over in the streets, rotting in front of everyone. Now it's spreading over Europe, a lot of our people have family overseas." Declan continued.

"Well I doubt he'll have that kind of information just laying around. Wouldn't you think he'd keep that stuff locked away at his house or something?" I asked.

"I had Nick tear through his house last week but we found nothing so I'm assuming any information would be in his office at the dealership." He responded before sipping his coffee.

"What exactly am I looking for?"

"Anything; documents from companies overseas, receipts for shipping companies, threatening letters." He rattled off. "Anything that looks suspicious or can officially tie him to the activity."

"What," I trailed off, afraid to finish my question. Instead I looked down watching my fingers nervously mess with the hem of my sweatshirt.

"What, what?" Declan repeated.

Sighing deeply I looked up at the man who sat across from me. "What about Alex?"

Declan rolled his eyes. "And what about Alex, little one?"

"A-are you going to kill him? My Uncle... I mean I don't even know him, really, but I know Alex is innocent. And if he is roped into this then it has to be because he's being blackmailed or something. He's a good kid, he wouldn't do this..."

The Line Begins To BlurHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin