Breakfast for you

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Kleiner Vogel (Little Bird) was a kid nicknamed my mother who had given me since, I was a shy kid.

Me: Mama you gotta stop using that name *Smiling slightly*

My mother: *She laughed a little* How could I not, it fits you perfectly

I sat down at the counter

Me: It did, whatever...
I sighed and looked down then looked back at my mother.
"Is it done yet?".

My mother: *She laughed a little again* Well now it's done

She tried grabbing a plate from the cabinets and since she was pregnant and 5'1. I rushed to help her grab a plate.

My mother: *She looked at me* Danke.
(Which means Thank you)

Me: Your welcome, but mamá you gotta be more careful

My mother: *She sighed* Alright...

I helped prepare my mother's plate, she looked at me with a irritated expression

My mother: Lukas, I can handle getting myself my own plate. You just pack food for yourself and your friend Thomas, alright?

Me: Alright.
I smiled and handed her the plate and started packing up breakfast for both me and Tom.

She handed me lunch money for both me and Tom, I kiss her on the cheek

Me: Thanks mama, Liebe dich (Love you). Take it easy please

My mother nodded and replied with Ich liebe dich auch, mein kleiner Vogel, (which means Love you too, my little bird).
I grabbed my backpack and my phone, and put my shoes on. I walked out of the front door and to Tom's place.

Time: 6:04 am (I left my place)

I arrived at his place and knocked. It takes me about four minutes to get to Tom's place. Tom's mom opened the door.

Mrs. Barnett: Good morning, Lukas. Come in, he's in his room getting ready. I hope. *She smiled*

Me: Thanks Mrs. Barnett

Mrs. Barnett: No problem

I walked towards his room and opened the door. Tom was laying on his bed half dressed, but looking up at the ceiling.

Me: Do you need some help?

Tom looked at me and sighed.

Tom: Yeah, I'd "Love" to admit...

He said sarcastically, I walked closer to him to help him out. And couldn't help but laughed a little.

Me: I understand, you do.

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