Chapter 3: Him?!

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Helene's P.O.V

I warily glanced around as I stepped out of the limo, my brother holding open the door for me. Normally, I would've given him a nod of appreciation, but today I was so focused on the surroundings that I ignored him. In front of me was a huge mansion--which I assumed, was the pack house--and around it was a huge plot of land, where many people, more than I could count, were standing around.

I've always known that the Waning Crescent pack had a lot of members, but this! This was...unbelievable. I wonder how many packs Alpha Talon--better know as the Iron Alpha--defeated to get this many pack members. There were at least over a hundred!

"Impressive, huh?" Vera commented, her mouth agape, as she took in the scene around her with wide and awed eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah, sure. You can live here forever, don't worry," I snapped. She exchanged a knowing glance with Pierre.

"Someone woke up from the wrong side of bed today," he mused, winking at me playfully.

"Really, I'm not in the mood, guys," I mutter. Vera frowned slightly.

"Come on, Helene, you should enjoy yourself! After all, that's what parties are for right?" She whined playfully. Seeing my, unamused expression, however, she sighed. "Listen, I'm just as upset as you are. But that won't change anything, would it? The best we can do now is try to be optimistic about the future. You never know, this merger may be beneficial to us! We may find our mates here!" She squealed enthusiastically.

"Well, you may find your mate," I mutter, "but I won't find mine here." After a beat, I add, "mine is dead." I ignored their concerned glances as I-

Suddenly, the most amazing smell of pine trees and wood hit my nose, causing a ripple of delight to course through me.

MATE!! Honey howled, getting excited. What?! Honey, what's going on? I asked her, urging her to calm down. Our mate's here! She squealed. Helene, hurry! We've got to find him! She ordered. I was about to rebuke her, but she was trying to take control, so I decided to listen to her. Just this once, I warned. She barked excitedly, and I could already imagine her running around in circles. I sighed. Speak of the devil and he appears, I groan. To be honest, I didn't want a mate. Not after him. If Honey heard my thoughts, she most likely ignored it.

"Um...Vera, Pierre, I'm going to check this place out. You're right, maybe I should try to enjoy myself. For the time being, the two of you can check out the snacks. Leave some for me too!" I mutter hastily, gesturing at the snack tables lined up at the center. They nodded slowly, exchanging a skeptical glance, and made their way towards it. I could tell that they were suspicious, but thankfully they didn't question me. I didn't want them to know that I found my mate before I even knew who that was.

As I walked in the direction of the smell, Honey's excitement grew. Faster, Helene, faster! Stop being so slow, or else I'll shift and do it for you, she threatened. I rolled my eyes, but still quickened my pace nonetheless.

We're almost there! Honey squealed excitedly, I can feel him!

Sure enough, the scent became stronger every passing second.

Suddenly, I paused.

Three people were standing there, right at the spot where the scent was the strongest. I identified my father, Alpha Alder, and another man. I couldn't see his face, as his back was facing me. From the looks of it, they were talking about important matters, so I stood nearby, not wanting to interrupt them.

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