Chapter 2: The Dreaded Party

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Helene's P.O.V

"Delta Dusk, here are the documents that Alpha Talon had sent us. " Chase, a guard, announces, handing me a stack of paper.

"What does he want now?" I asked tiredly. This was already the third time that the other alpha had sent us documents, all regarding the rules and what to expect when we merge with his pack. Ugh, talk about arrogance. My patience level had already reached its limit. He shrugged, giving me a sympathetic look. Good luck, he mouthed, as he turned away and walked out the door.

Annoyed, I flipped through the documents, only to find a contract, with a signature box below. Above the contract was a note, that read: "Attached below is a contract regarding the merging of our two packs. You are to sign it and send it back to me." I rolled my eyes. Who does he think he's talking to? He may not have respect for our alpha, but we do. It makes my blood boil whenever I think or hear about him. Yeah, that's how much I hate him.

I grabbed the contract, before leaving my father's office and stomping over to the alpha's one, where they were most likely discussing about some matters. Quietly, I pressed my ear to the door, and sure enough, I heard hushed voices inside. I knocked on the door in a rhythm, which Alpha Alder immediately recognized.

"Come in, Helene," he booms, a trace of fatigue in his voice. I stepped in, and gently closed the door behind me. My parents, Alpha Alder and Luna Alder were seated around the giant oak table. I briefly acknowledged them with a small nod of my head, before walking over to where the alpha was seated. Showing him the contract, he spared a glance at it, before turning back to me.

"Thank you. We were just about to fetch you, regarding some matters about tonight," he begins. Right. Tonight. The day I'm finally going to meet and acknowledge the devil as my 'new alpha'. Hopefully I'll also be able to rip out a few patches of his fur. That's not going to happen though, Honey cuts in. However, she retreats after sensing my sour mood.

"May I ask what it is?" I queried, trying to act nonchalant, although I was really hoping that he would allow me to rip his (as in alpha Talon's) fur out.

He pauses a bit, sharing a glance with my parents, then cleared his throat, "as you know, tonight, we are going to host a party to celebrate the merging of the two packs," he pauses a bit, gauging my reaction. I fought the urge to grimace. When my expression remained neutral, he continued.

"Tonight, I want you, and every member of this pack, to show your respect to Alpha Talon. I understand that you may not want to do it, but I need you to. For me, for our pack. It's the only way we can survive. I let you down, Helene, but you're still loyal to me, you still respect me. And for that, I am forever grateful. I hope that you'll be able to show that same respect to him. At least try. Please," he begged. I didn't want to, but since he had asked me to, I will. So I nod, albeit reluctantly. At that, Alpha Alder visibly relaxes, releasing a breath I didn't know he was holding.

"Thank you. Thank you, Helene. You don't know how much this means to me. You've always been very understanding and sensible. Even more mature than Keith," he chuckled, though tears were starting to form in his eyes. A pang of sadness filled my heart. Keith was his son, and one of my best friends. He was murdered by rogues, in the same war where Vera's parents were killed. When we were young, people always viewed us as a pair. They were confident that we would become mates when the time comes. And so was Keith.

"You should probably get ready for the party now," his voice pulled me back from my trance. My mother stood at the door, beckoning me over. As I stepped out of the door, she pulled me into a hug, stroking my back in a soothing rhythm, like she always did when I was young. I leaned into her touch, breathing in her calming scent. Almost at once, all of the pessimistic thoughts that had been swirling in my brain disappeared.

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