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and yeah enjoy this book :3


"and kyle and y/n can just be there.."

you look up from your phone, hearing your name mentioned, but you're attention is back on your phone, either just scrolling on social media or texting your gang.

you're in craig's house, with his friends, late at night. kyle asked you earlier in the cafeteria at school earlier if you wanted to go hang out with him and the others, to play with a ouija board. unfortunately, stan's there too. at first, you declined cuz stan's invited, but then kyle told you that it'd be fun. and perhaps you and stan would make up. he said.

so here you were in craig's room with his friends, sitting on his bed with your back leaning on the headboard, whilst you're on your phone, not really interested in this whole ouija board game.
also, everyone in the room was high, except for you, cuz you were the only young one in the room.



"hey so remember like thirty seconds ago when I said I made a blog?" craig asked, looking at the asks in his blog.

"since I don't wanna wait, I've decided I'm gonna just use the questions people are sending me."

"That's boring." kyle said.

"who do you think I am, somebody exciting?" craig sarcastically questioned.

"...fair enough."

"okay sure, why not." tolkien shrugged, having not much of a choice.

everyone was silent for a moment, only the faint sound of typing from y/n's phone. then stan spoke up.

"so how do we do this again...?"

"i'm pretty sure everybody touches a part of the planchette?" tolkien added, and craig looks at him, puzzled.

"dude speak in English, what the hell is a planchette?"

tolkien looks at craig with a deadpan look, "it's the only thing on the board, dude."


everybody then touches the planchette, with clyde having difficulties trying to touch the planchette.

"don't cover the glass piece, we have to be able to see that part." tolkien explained. "why???" clyde asked, confused. "dude, do none of you know what a ouija board is?" tolkien said, clearly annoyed.

"no, I do, I just like asking questions."

there was a bit of bickering between the friends, then kenny looked at y/n and asked, "hey y/n! do you wanna join?" kenny waited for their response, while the others were bickering.

y/n looked up from their phone with an uninterested look and just shakes their head, looking back at their phone and continued to scroll and text his friends. kenny just shrugged as his attention was back at his friends and the ouija board.

"okay guys, okay. we're all holding on?" tolkien asked, just to make sure. "p-p-pretty sure!" jimmy said.

"okay, Craig? what should we ask first?"

: ̗̀➛ 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞, 𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞 ┆彡 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now