Friends and truths

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It took four more days where I went out of my way to ignore her. I didn't greet her but I greeted the boys kindly when they were at our dorm and then I would stalk out without a backward glance. I stayed out late after work and didn't go home during the day, spending time in the library instead.

I came home at eleven thirty on day five. Lou stood up the moment I arrived. He looked relieved but the moment he started talk, I told them both. 'Hi and bye. I'm exhausted, I'm going to sleep.' I walked straight to my room and shut the door with a firm click of the lock.

Half an hour later Louis left, I knew he wouldn't be back for two weeks. The following two weeks I could only train with Mark. I preferred Louis, even all this time later I still felt slightly threatened by Mark. Fighting with him was harsher, more raw and much more painful. Honestly, I didn't think Mark pulled his punches during our sessions.

I was mulling over whether I wanted to even go to the gym if Louis wasn't there when Sasha knocked on my door. To be childish I repeated what she'd said to me the day before. 'I'm almost asleep, I'll see you tomorrow.'

Unlike me, Sasha didn't stop knocking, she got louder. Finally, I opened the door and leaned in the doorway with a frown. She burst into tears and fell into my arms.

'I can't do it anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. It's so unfair! I finally got a new friend but I can't tell you anything and I know you are too smart not to notice things. I want to tell you everything but I can't!'

I pushed her away and took a step back. 'You made it quite clear that you want nothing to do with me. I decided avoiding you as well, would be best for both of us. Don't come crying to me. This was your choice. Good night, Sasha.'

As I hoped, she caved. She followed me into my room, shut the door and turned on the music rather loudly. Then she told me the craziest story I'd ever heard. The man who had attacked us all that time ago was a Rogue Lycan. The myth of werewolves came from Lycans. They didn't like to be called werewolves. They could change into a wolf whenever they wanted. Silver was indeed poisonous and the moon did affect their moods but didn't turn them against their will and cats hated them. Most animals reacted but they had ways of handling that.

Part of me wanted to laugh at her story but when she changed her hand into a claw I knew she wasn't kidding. I didn't freak out completely, Sasha didn't give me a chance to because right after she changed her hand into a claw she started freaking out. It wasn't until I got insanely angry and yelled at her, that she snapped out of it.

'How the hell are you freaking out?! You have done that before haven't you? I should be freaking out! This is insane! Werewolves, lycans, next thing I know there are vampires moving in next door!'

'You know! That means that I have to freak out! We could both get killed because you know this. We can't tell humans unless they are mated to us. And even then, they have to be marked before we are allowed to tell them anything. I just told you! You aren't my mate. You could turn on our species, you could go public, you could decide to sell me to a research facility or tell the government you found one of us. Oh my Goddess, Alpha will kill me. He'll kill us both. He'll kill me slowly. He'll make an example out of me! I will become a cautionary tale on why not to tell humans anything.'

I pushed her off the bed and, shocked, she finally stopped with her doom and gloom ramblings. She crawled back onto the bed and cried while I was trying to figure out what our next move should be. Every scenario I came up with was a problem because it involved us both lying. She couldn't lie to a higher ranking wolf such as Mark and David both and they would smell a lie on me. For a little while I thought she was right, we were doomed.

The two weeks flew past and we avoided the boys as best as we could. In class I was honest when David asked if I was avoiding him. Yes.

Would I tell him why? No.

Did I know if Sasha was avoiding them? Yes.

Did I know why? Yes.

I saw the calculating look on his face and quickly elaborated. 'I asked her to keep a secret from you guys. A secret to do with me and she said she couldn't, so I told her to avoid you...'

As I'd hoped David was raised with good manners and some deliberation he nodded. He wouldn't ask her, he promised me. I barely managed not to smile because of this small victory and I thanked him sincerely. Now we had until the holidays to come up with a working plan.

Having run out of ideas we settled on the most likely way to succeed. We called her parents and she asked if they could please both come to pick her up so that her mum could meet me too. The day her parents came to pick her up was thankfully the day that David and Mark went home.

Louis came in with his parents. He didn't speak but his look said he knew something was going on. I started telling his mum everything that the others hadn't even known.

'Mrs. Benedict, it's so nice to meet you. You have two amazing children. I'm an orphan and you're the kind of mother we dream off.' Sasha's mother was immediately sold, just as her daughter had predicted but then I told her the things Sasha hadn't known either.

I told them I was a hacker and had adjusted some of my details, including getting into the dorm room that was marked as a single person one. I told them that I had my mentor and no other family or close friends. I told them why I could fight so well and I didn't leave anything out. It was hard but I figured that I had to be brutally honest. Because I knew the one secret they all shared and nothing I had came even close to the enormity of their secret. So, I laid my soul bare to them, darkness and all. By the time I finished, we were all upset.

Then I looked at Sasha before looking back at them and told them. 'I know what you are.'

Now she knows but she hasn't got a mate. Did their Goddess mess things up? How is the Alpha going to deal with this little human who knows about his pack?
We shall continue this next Friday ;)

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